July 13, 2018
Dr. Hotze interviews America’s #1 integrative cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, on heart health including: the 4 vital nutrients for a healthy heart, the cholesterol myth, statin drugs, and more.
Stacey Bandfield: Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. I’m Stacey Bandfield here with Dr. Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. As always, you can download our podcasts at HotzePodcast.com, it’s h-o-t-z-e podcast.com.
So thrilled to have this guest on today, Dr. Stephen Sinatra. There are so many misconceptions about heart health, which is crazy because there is so much information about cardiovascular health. It’s always a hot topic and yet a lot of false information is out there. We’re so pleased to have Dr. Sinatra with us on the program, Dr. Hotze.
Dr. Hotze: Thank you. Remember, I believe that you and every individual needs a doctor and staff of professionals who can coach you on a path to health and wellness naturally, so as you mature, you enjoy a great quality of life. You’re brimming with energy. You have get up and go and enthusiasm and you’re not having to take all these pharmaceutical drugs.
I like to associate with other physicians that hold the similar view, who coach their patients on a path of health and wellness. One of the most influential doctors in natural approaches to health, some people call it integrative medicine or functional medicine, I just call it natural, good old-fashioned healthy, good common sense natural medicine.
This is what Dr. Sinatra practices. Dr. Sinatra is a cardiologist who practices in the Hartford area of Connecticut, in a city called Manchester. We’re going to ask him how he developed his integrative approach to treating cardiovascular diseases, but what he has done and I followed him and I’ve read his books and his articles,he’s taking people that were on death’s door and using natural approaches to health and revived them and had them live out scores of life, 10, 20, 30 years after that.
His expertise is grounded in 35 years of clinical practice. He was chief of cardiology there at the Manchester Memorial Hospital for 18 years. He’s in charge of medical education. He founded the New England Heart Institute Center there in Manchester back in 1987. He’s been a prolific author and has a website where he gives information to his patients and has hundreds of thousands of people that follow his work and take his recommendations as far as vitamin and mineral support and other recommendations for good health.
Dr. Sinatra, it is my honor and privilege to have you, one of the leading doctors in natural approaches to health in America and in the world, on our program.
Stacey Bandfield: Welcome!
Dr. Hotze: Welcome to you.
Dr. Sinatra: Thanks so much. That was a very gracious introduction, by the way.
Dr. Hotze: I meant everything of it. I was so excited when I saw that you were…if you’re like me, you’re busy and so you get these things handed to you. Okay. Tuesday is my day where I do podcasts. It came on my desk last night. I looked down and there was Dr. Tenpenny. Then, I pulled it. I said, “Well, that’s great. That’ll be an interesting conversation.” Then I pulled back and they got Dr. Dr. Sinatra. I went, “Holy cow! This is payday today.” I’ve been looking forward to this visit.
Dr. Sinatra, just so our listening audience can know, tell us about your background, where you grew up, where you went to college, and where you went to medical school, and how you ended up deciding to go into cardiology. Then, tell us the story of how you made your transition, where you decided to go off the rails of what normal cardiologists might do. You decided to adopt or investigate and eventually adopt more natural approaches to helping people get well.
Dr. Sinatra: Okay. That’s a mouthful but if I can…
Dr. Hotze: The long way…start from the beginning.
Dr. Sinatra: My mother was a diabetic when I grew up. Jeez. When I was 12 years old, I used to come home from school. Sometimes, I would find her on the floor in a diabetic shock situation or a coma. At an early age, I decided that I wanted to save my mother, unconsciously. I mean, that was my unconscious belief. The unconscious drives are much stronger than the conscious ones.
Dr. Hotze: Sure.
Dr. Sinatra: I learned that later when I pursued a psychotherapy training program, but in high school I was an athlete. I was a wrestler. I got into college on a wrestling scholarship.
With my mother’s background in diabetes, I decided to go pre-med. I got into medical school. Then, basically trained at Albany Med and took a lot of electives at Yale. I took gastroenterology at Yale, dermatology at Yale. Did my neurology training at Yale. Then, when I was in two years a cardiovascular fellowship at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, I did my pediatric cardiology at Yale, as well.
I was fortunate to have Yale only about an hour from where I was in Hartford. I became board-certified in internal medicine and cardiology. I was on a great career. I was conventionally trained.
Then, all of a sudden, when I passed my boards in cardiology, I was only 31 years old. I met this Dutch chemist on the telephone. He was a 91-year-old chemist. His name was Jacob Rinse from Holland. He was a PhD. He was treating some of my patients at common. There was one patient from Ohio that had high blood pressure. I got on the phone with Rinse. He needed bypass surgery but he never had it done. He said, “I cured my atherosclerosis.” I said, “Jesus. That’s interesting.” I go, “How’d you do it?”
He said to me, I’ll never forget it. First of all, he’s 91 years old. He’s erudite. He’s funny. He’s sharp. He’s quick. If I make it to 91, I would love to be just like him. He’s stating, “Well, I started phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, various forms of vitamin E, magnesium.” To be honest with you, I didn’t even know what he was talking about because…I’m writing all this down. As soon as I get off the phone with him, I just felt this glowing energy to become more like him and his training.
I became a traditional cardiologist in recovery. I started to take courses in nutrition. I went into a psychotherapy training program in gestalt and bioenergetic psychotherapy and I ended up becoming certified as a bioenergetics. Took me ten years of training postgraduate after medical school. Then, I took the boards for the American College of Nutrition. I wanted to learn more about nutrition. Then, I wanted to learn about anti-aging medicine, so I took that certification examination.
My background has been in mind-body medicine, anti-aging medicine, nutritional medicine, vitamins and minerals. I started to make my own formulas back in 1990 when I wrote my first book Lose to Win. I started to use coenzyme Q10 in the early 80s. I met Karl Folkers and Fred Crane, who discovered CoQ10. I met all of the big leaguers in CoQ10, Dr. Bolivnakoff…but they’re all deceased now.
CoQ10 became a big interest of mine in the early 80s. I’ve been using it for like 30, 35 years now. I’ve written a lot about CoQ10, books on it, peer-reviewed literature on it. I’ve done independent research in the mouse model, the horse model, the human model. CoQ10 has been a big weapon, so to speak, in my arsenal of treating people because, look, a good doctor and you said this in your introduction. All of us doctors use pharmaceutical drugs. As a heart specialist, when I have a person who’s dying or in pulmonary edema or a massive heart attack or complex arrhythmias or heart blocker. If they’re in an emergent situation, doctors like myself will use any pharmaceutical drug it takes to save that person. It’s almost like a child with refractory asthma or status asthmaticus. You would use anything you can to get a person to feel better but where a lot of the medicine falls apart is in the treatment of chronic illness.
The problem that I see where medicine is going today is too many doctors are relying on pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronic illness, not emergent situations, not emergencies, whether it’s obstetrical or neurological or cardiac, but they are using drugs too quick on the draw. A lot of these drugs have side effects. We have to be careful. Meeting Rinse at my early age was really an aha for me where it got me on the right track. I’m sort of an integrative physician in emergencies and in situations of profound heart failure, I’ll have to use pharmaceutical agents. But then, when I get a person stable, then I’ll use my nutritional diet therapies, mind-body interactions, grounding, earthing.
It all comes together because what any good doctor wants to do, anybody, is alleviate suffering in their patients. That’s what we’re here for. If that includes pharmaceutical drugs, so be it. If it includes earthing or nutritional therapies or vitamin and mineral therapies or mind-body interactions, all the better. That’s the sort of the doctor I’ve sort of emerged into over 40 years.
I hope I didn’t bore you with that introduction…
Dr. Hotze: No.
Dr. Sinatra: …but that’s what happened.
Dr. Hotze: Listen. People love a story. How did you get to be where you are and to be such a strong advocate for natural approaches to health? What was the pathway? All of us are meeting with other physicians in the field that we’re in, the integrative or natural approaches to health field. When we meet other doctors, they all have stories of how they got there. Something happened.
It was interesting. What if you hadn’t made that call to Jacob Rinse? What if you hadn’t made a call that night and talked to him? What if you didn’t know him? What would your life been like? What would have happened to all the tens of thousands of patients or hundreds of thousands you’ve helped online? What would have happened to them?
It’s interesting that God, in His divine providence, it brings things into our lives that change the course of our lives. That’s dramatic. Did he have any articles? Did he have any writings, Jacob Rinse?
Dr. Sinatra: No. He did but he was a Dutch chemist. He was an older guy. Like I said, he was 91. He was a PhD in the chemical oil industry.
Dr. Hotze: Isn’t that fascinating.
Dr. Sinatra: He just branched out. He developed the Rinse formula. It was a vitamin nutritional…that I started to use.
Dr. Hotze: How did he spell Rinse? R-E-N-S-E?
Dr. Sinatra: R-I-N-S-E, Rinse. Jacob. J.
Dr. Hotze: Jacob.
Dr. Sinatra: It’s pronounced as Jacob but it’s Jacob Rinse, PhD.
Dr. Hotze: Interesting. He had…
Dr. Sinatra: That’s how I got started but you’re right. I think God has a big hand in this. When I met Tommy Rosa about eight years ago and we wrote the book Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth,when Tommy was run over by a car and went back to heaven and back. He was planted in my path for a reason, as well.
One of the things that, as a heart specialist, that I’ve had the unusual experience of is that I resuscitated about 20 people who had stories to tell me. In other words, they went through a tunnel of light. They went to the other side and they came back. When I met Tommy, who had the most profound life after death experience that I’ve ever encountered, Tommy tells me 20 years on Earth can be like four minutes in heaven. It’s like incredible but Tommy spent probably 15 minutes in heaven, which could be the equivalent of 30 or 40 years on earth. The knowledge that he got inculcated into his brain when he was with Jesus Christ in heaven was incredible.
That’s why we wrote the book Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth. One of the greatest joys I’ve ever had in my life was meeting Tommy Rosa because he validated a lot of the theories I was proposing, the coenzyme Q10, metabolic cardiology, grounding, all that stuff was verified in heaven by the ascendant masters.
Dr. Hotze: Is that right?
Dr. Sinatra: Yeah. For me, meeting Tommy was unbelievable.
Dr. Hotze: What’s his last name again?
Stacey Bandfield: I think it’s Rosa.
Dr. Sinatra: Rosa, R-O-S-A. That book, that was my last book, the Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth. Doc, I’ll send you a copy. I have some in my office.
Dr. Hotze: Yeah. That’d be great. I’d love to have a signed copy. That’d be great. I’m going to get Stacey to order one just in case you forget.
Dr. Sinatra: Yeah. Just make sure you email Joann.
Dr. Hotze: We’ll do that. We’ll get with…
Dr. Sinatra: I’ll get you a copy. Tommy’s somebody you should have on your show if you want to talk about the spiritual mystical…
Stacey Bandfield: That’d be great.
Dr. Sinatra: …elements of healing. He’s amazing. He’s a great healer himself. He survived against all odds. He’s incredible. It’s unbelievable what he has survived.
Dr. Hotze: I’ll get his number from you at the close. After the program we’ll do that.
In talking about coenzyme Q10, those that know me know that point of our regimen here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, we put almost all our guests on coenzyme Q10 at some dose. Coenzyme Q10, of course, is very important for energy production within the cell, particularly within the cells of the heart. It enables the body’s mitochondria, the power plants within the cells, to produce and use energy and transfer that energy in the form of currency called ATP, those electrical currents. Coenzyme Q10’s very important for that, for the energy production within the heart.
Now, the doctors have come out and the pharmaceutical companies have come out with this idea that is a bogus idea. I think it’s a myth. It’s a hoax, that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. We have a bogeyman and, “Hey! Why don’t we make a drug and this drug will lower cholesterol and we won’t have any problem with heart disease and we’re going to heal people.”
It turns out that the statin drugs, whether it’s Lipitor or Crestor, whatever the doctors prescribe, they adversely affect the liver’s ability to produce coenzyme Q10.
Doctor, tell us your take on the statin drugs and its adverse effect on cardiovascular function.
Dr. Sinatra: Sure. Statins, there’s no question they have a light side but they also have a very, very strong dark side. Statins are not for everybody. I used to be the cholesterol choirboy when I was chief of cardiology at my institution. I used to lecture for Merck and Pfizer. This is when I was young, in my 30s. Then, I used to believe in a cholesterol theory of heart disease until I read an article that was produced in 1982 in the Indian literature. It came out of India. Or, it was ’86 or something. It was when statins first came out. It could have been 1990 but basically it said that statins are marvelous cholesterol killers but they also knock out the same pathway that produces coenzyme Q10 in the body.
I had a huge disconnect when I read this article because I said, “How can something be so good for you be so bad for you at the same time?” I stopped lecturing for Merck and Pfizer. I didn’t lecture on cholesterol anymore. I wanted to dig really deep into it. Then, some of the medical journals asked me to write articles about or editorials about cholesterol. I did. I really researched the topic. I really read everything I can get my hands on.
As a board-certified cardiologist, I realized in my, I’d say, 50s, this is about 20 years ago, that statins did have some utility but not by lowering cholesterol. The West of Scotland study really showed this. This was a good study that was done in the early days of the statin drugs. They took these high dose smokers. They smoked about two packs a day, these men in Scotland. It was a West of Scotland study. It showed that smoking males, statins had an advantage not only in preventing heart attack but a slight advantage in longevity. It really impressed me, but the researchers of this study said that it wasn’t due to cholesterol lowering. It was due to the fact that statins have a blood thinning effect and an antioxidant effect as well. That really appealed to me.
When I did more research on statins, I realized that statins in a certain population, and the population is really men and has to be young men, men less than age 75, where if you want to use the antioxidant potential and the blood thinning potential of a statin, that’s okay with me if you’re treating a male with far advanced coronary disease but you have to give coenzyme Q10 at the same time. There’s no doubt about it. Would I give statins to children? Absolutely not. Do I give them to the elderly? Absolutely not because of the central nervous system effects, the confusion, the memory.
Dr. Hotze: The dementia.
Dr. Sinatra: Et cetera, et cetera. And women. I don’t believe in statins in women, even women with far advanced coronary disease. The only time I give statins to women is if there’s really getting out of hand, if they’ve had re-bypass, if they’ve had accelerated coronary disease despite only natural interventions I’ve done, but statins have a small role to play but again, young men, even with from familial hypercholesterolemia, where we get cholesterols of five, six, seven, 800, some of these young men will fare better on statins especially if they’ve had MIs in the 30s and 20s. I’ve had men in my practice like that.
Dr. Hotze: But that’s a very small subset of the population…
Dr. Sinatra: A small subset. That’s correct.
Dr. Hotze: …that are taking statin drugs now.
Listen. I have a friend, one of my staff members that works as a maintenance man had some chest pain. We took him over to the hospital across the street. They did an angiogram on him. He said he had a block LAD, left anterior descending artery and needed to have bypass surgery. I asked. This fellow’s, I guess he’s got to be in his 60s. He said, “I’ve got him on statin drugs. I’ve done this, that, and the other thing.” I said, “Let me ask you a question. Did you check his coenzyme Q10 level?” “No.” I said, “Do you ever…” This is cardiologist. “Do you ever check the coenzyme Q10 level on any of your patients?” “Oh, no. I mean, there’s really no proof that really…” …blah, blah, blah. But I caught him.
Then, I have another guest of ours, a young man who went to the Heart Institute here in Houston. Of course, you know, Houston’s a big heart institute with clearly into baking the whole bunch.
Dr. Sinatra: I sent patients decades ago. Go ahead.
Dr. Hotze: Anyway, this young man is about 28. He was diagnosed down at the heart center as having cardiomegaly, cause unknown. Didn’t know why he had it. Just had it, but he was being seen by the cardiologist. He was the head of heart transplant. He said, “These are the four steps we’ll go into. We’re going to try to freeze you with drugs. Then, we’re going to put a pacemaker in. Then, we’ll try something else. If that didn’t work, we’ll do a transplant.”
I came in. His mother had asked me to see him personally. I see very few guests, maybe 20, but anyway, I decided I’d see him personally. I visited with him about his problems. Interestingly enough, I looked at all the blood work his cardiologist had done. It’s a standard deal but he told the cardiologists, “Well, I’m kind of feeling a little depressed.” I’d be depressed, too, if somebody was telling me I’m going to have to have a heart transplant. You know he’s on track to get a heart transplant. He’s in that program and they’re going to get him a heart transplant. They’ll just do it step by step but he’s not going to get well. You should know that because you’ve seen it before, understanding conventional medical care.
The doctor sends him to see a psychiatrist who said, “Well, you need to take an antidepressant.” He just got it a day before. I said, “You don’t need an antidepressant. I don’t believe in those things, so you don’t ever take one of those ever. That’s just poison. Don’t ever take that. You’re not depressed because you’re low in Effexor or Paxil or anything like that. That’s not why you’re sick,” but I looked on this blood test. The cardiologist had done a coenzyme Q10 level.
Dr. Sinatra: Oh, great. It was probably in the basement.
Dr. Hotze: It was in the gutter. It was .1 or 1.1. It was down on the bottom. I went, “Why would the psychiatrist check the Coenzyme? He must be thinking out of the box. He’s checking other things that most doctors never check.” I brought the young man back in. I told him right there. I said, “Look. I know you need coenzyme Q10 before I looked at the test but your doctor didn’t even do a coenzyme Q10 and he doesn’t have you on coenzyme Q10.” He had him on beta-blockers. He had him on…you name it. He had him on ACE inhibitors. He had him on everything you can…
…diuretics and you name it. He was on a pot full of stuff. All the things that you… Plus, I don’t know if he had him on a statin, but he was on everything.
I said, “Look. You need coenzyme Q10.” I sent him an article. I went and literally read your articles on the treatment of that to make sure I was going to be aggressive. I think I have him up now to 600 milligrams. He hasn’t gotten worse. He’s working now. He’s not having any orthopnea or exertional dyspnea. He’s doing well. His energy level isn’t back where he would like it to be but…
Stacey Bandfield: He’s a relatively new guest.
Dr. Hotze: Yeah, yeah. It’s only been a couple months but I say that whole point in that I talked to…there’s two different cardiologists I’ve come in contact with. Neither one checked coenzyme Q10 nor do they give coenzyme Q10 but they put them on statin drugs. Doctor, it’s not like this is not in the literature. This is well known and well documented in the cardiology literature.
Dr. Sinatra: It is. It is.
Dr. Hotze: You know Sherry Rogers, don’t you?
Dr. Sinatra: Yeah, I know Sherry, yeah.
Dr. Hotze: Sherry, she’s outstanding. I’ve read a number of her books but she has the one book, Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?, which is just a fascinating read. She just goes through and says, “This is all…” It’s all documented in the literature. What are they thinking? It’s amazing.
You have had the strength of personality and of ego to do what was right and figured out a way to do it and still make a living. A lot of guys would like to get out of the insurance-based practice but you and I both know, that when they’re in there they have clinical practice guidelines they have to follow. If they don’t follow them, they don’t get paid. They’re out of the program. You’re pretty much locked into what the insurance companies say you have to do.
How have you worked around that? Is that why you set up your own separate…
Dr. Sinatra: I really didn’t have a lot of difficulties because I had so much training behind me and so many board certifications. Even I was practicing cardiology on a day-to-day basis, I had written about 10 to 15 books. I have about 25 books. You know as well as I do, when you write a book, you’re not an expert. You realize how much you didn’t know.
When I was writing all these books and writing all these papers in the medical literature and really studying coenzyme Q10, I empowered myself more and more. I never really suffered like some of my contemporary colleagues did.
I will tell you this about coenzyme Q10 because it’s something that I feel that I’m very close to. I’m just blessed that I met many of the world experts in it before they died, but with the modern medical establishment the way it is now and even in the patient you were taking care of, there are so many pharmaceutical drugs that deplete coenzyme Q10. Antidepressants do it, beta blockers do it. Some ACE inhibitors do it. Oral hypoglycemic agents that patients take for blood sugar and diabetes, they do it.
There are so many drugs that doctors unknowingly are giving their patients that deplete coenzyme Q10. The problem is that you know this and I know this but coenzyme Q10 is really the master spark plug of the body. It’s no question. It is the one element that we need to fire our mitochondria. Without the mitochondria firing, energy production goes down. Even in this patient that you put on the coenzyme Q10, just remember that metabolic cardiology requires ATP. The center of the ATP ring is ribose, five-sided sugar.
In most of my patients, I would say every one of my patients with heart failure, I would always add ribose to it.
Dr. Hotze: Right. I did.
Dr. Sinatra: When you’re adding ribose, you’re given an ATP substrate, which the coenzyme Q10 helps to turn over. I’m sure you put them on carnitine and magnesium, as well.
Dr. Hotze: Oh, yes. Oh, sure. I’ve got him on that plus vitamin C and I have the whole vitamin regimen. I was going to…
Dr. Sinatra: Doc, you’re going to prevent so many heart transplants. Oh, my gosh. I must have prevented, this is not an exaggeration, I would say 80 to 100 heart transplants in my career. I’ve had so many patients that were on a heart transplant list that came off. I have one that…tThis is amazing. I saw an eight-year-old boy about…lLet’s see. He’s 31 now. Was he 23 years ago?
Dr. Hotze: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Dr. Sinatra: I saw an eight-year-old boy in my office. I’ll never forget this. The parents were crying. They were sobbing. They couldn’t find a heart transplant for their son. He was dying. They came to see me because I heard about what I was doing in adult cardiology and blah, blah, blah.
I put him on CoQ10 and only carnitine and magnesium at the time. I didn’t even know about ribose back then. He’s refused heart transplants three times now. He’s the oldest living single outlet double outlet ventricle in the world. He’s early 30s. It’s amazing but it’s even some of these congenital heart problems. You’ve heard a Tetralogy of Fallot?
Dr. Hotze: Yes.
Dr. Sinatra: Have you dealt with that one?
Dr. Hotze: I haven’t ever dealt with it but I…
Dr. Sinatra: I had a newsman fly up from Brazil whose daughter…he couldn’t afford the $700,000 for the operation on his daughter. He put her on metabolic cardiology when she was two, three years old. Now, she’s 15.
Dr. Hotze: And she has Tetralogy of Fallot?
Dr. Sinatra: She had Tetralogy of Fallot. Oldest living Tetralogy of Fallot.
I’m glad we got into this little aspect of metabolic cardiology because in 2009 I read this article from the Scandinavian literature. It was in the journal called Nature. Have you ever read that journal?
Dr. Hotze: No, I haven’t.
Dr. Sinatra: It was by Swedish colleagues, 2009. I have to tell you, doc, I never felt such joy in my entire life after reading this article because back in 2009, I would question why all these patients I had on metabolic cardiology were living. I couldn’t understand it when they had ejection fractions of 10, 15, 20%. Then, all of a sudden, they would live 5, 10, 15, 20 years. It was like…
Dr. Hotze: It was like a miracle.
Dr. Sinatra: …a miracle. There were too many miracles happening because, remember, in medical school, I don’t know how old you are but I’m like…
Dr. Hotze: I’m your age.
Dr. Sinatra: …early 70s.
Dr. Hotze: I’m 67.
Dr. Sinatra: I remember in medical school the five-year survival of heart failure was worse than cancer. That’s what they taught that.
Dr. Hotze: I think it still is.
Dr. Sinatra: It is. It is, so basically, when you use the conventional approach to heart failure, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, pacemakers, digoxin, they can only go so far. You’ve got to build energy into those starving heart cells for energy. That’s where metabolic cardiology comes in.
Dr. Hotze: The big four on that are coenzyme Q10, magnesium, l-carnitine, and d-ribose, for sure.
Dr. Sinatra: Correct.
Dr. Hotze: That’s the foundation.
Dr. Sinatra: Sometimes, I had to use taurine. Sometimes, I use a licorice. I use anything that would work but basically the basic of metabolic cardiology was the four nutrients you mentioned.
Here’s the deal on that. When I read this article in 2009 I had this great joy because…
Dr. Hotze: What was the article about?
Dr. Sinatra: It was about the Cold War and about the atomic explosions that were done in Nevada and New Mexico in the 1950s. It was about carbon-14 testing. Are you familiar with carbon-14 testing?
Dr. Hotze: No.
Dr. Sinatra: Where you can tell the age of all our cells in our body, the radioactive nature of atomic bombs being blasted in America?
Dr. Hotze: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Dr. Sinatra: This is amazing stuff. This is out of science. In other words, they can tell the age of your cells. What came out of this article in 2009 was that our own intrinsic stem cells, the stem cells in our bone marrow and our fat cells that…by the way this is the hottest thing right now in medicine…
Dr. Hotze: I know.
Dr. Sinatra: …is stem cell implants. Everybody knows about this but what we didn’t know is this, doc. This is what we didn’t know. We didn’t know that our own intrinsic stem cells are in our fat cells, our bone marrow. They work until our early eighties.
Suppose you devised a nutritional program that could excite the stem cells to do their job. That’s where metabolic cardiology comes in. In other words, metabolic cardiology turns on ATP. I can’t prove this. There’s one missing link, but an article came out in 2017 by the same group of researchers where they verified their data in 2009. It’s showing that stem cell revival or stem cell renewal by taking agents that can excite your intrinsic stem cells, it’s almost like developing a new heart. That’s what I think’s going on with these people. That’s what I think what’s going on with the Tetralogy of Fallow, the doublet outlet ventricle, all the cardiomyopathies I’ve seen is that the metabolic cardiology is breathing life into our own intrinsic stem cells to do their job. Isn’t that amazing?
Dr. Hotze: Yeah. That really is amazing. We’re very interested in stem cells. Don’t have time to cover it on this particular topic. Would like to do that but I want to visit with you after the program because I’ve got some very interesting developments that have happened along that line.
Stacey Bandfield: This concludes part one of our interview with Dr. Stephen Sinatra. Please stay tuned next week for part two. In the meantime, if you want to take charge of your health, do a 180, please give us a call at 281-698-8698. That’s 281-698-8698. Thank you for joining us here today at Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution.
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Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.
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At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.
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