April 19, 2024
Are you experiencing low energy, hair loss, joint pain, hot flashes, anxiety, PMS, lack of focus/concentration, poor sleep, low libido, and/or lack of initiative and drive, to name only a few? Both men and women experience symptoms of hormone decline as they age.
Naturally maintaining proper hormone balance can greatly improve your health and quality of life. Join Dr. Hotze and his guest Sherry Allen as they answer questions about common symptoms of hormone imbalance and decline, as well as addressing some hormone misconceptions.
Podcast Transcription:
Dr. Steven Hotze: Hello, I’m Dr. Steve Hotze. Welcome to today’s program. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us, and I want to introduce to you a longtime friend and member of our team here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, new guest consultant Sherry Allen. Sherry, thanks so much for joining us today.
Sherry Allen: It’s a pleasure to be here with you.
Dr. Steven Hotze: Now, at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, if you wanted to have the opportunity to come and be evaluated at our office, you would call in and you would be then connected to one of our new guest consultants. Our lead and longest-standing new guest consultant is Sherry Allen. She’s been on the team since 2004 and has listened to literally thousands, tens of thousands of people contact her because of their concerns about their health and wanting to find out what we at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center can do to help them get on a path to health and wellness.
So Sherry, tell us about how the phone calls go. When people contact you, what are their concerns? What are the topics or issues they want to discuss with you? What do you find most common? And explain to us how you help them come to a decision to get on a path to health and wellness naturally.
Sherry Allen: Oh sure, and I’d be happy to. I offer complimentary consultations for people who need our services and our help to get on the path to health and wellness. And the first thing I want to do is find out a little bit about them. I want to know, are they married? Do they have kids? What kind of work they do, their hobbies.
It helps me understand them a little bit. And then I really want to get right into why did they call, what are their main symptoms/concerns? And it isn’t always that they have a lot of health problems. They may just want prevention to be proactive. That’s something I really want people to understand. We see all different levels, and I encourage people to come in sooner rather than later.
Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s so important. This is really an important point Sherry’s making, folks. Since we’ve been in practice now for 34 years, we see new guests here that say, “Well, I’ve been listening to you on the radio or watching your podcasts, or I’ve known about you for 15 years, but I figured I’d need you sooner or later.” And unfortunately, they come in later. And if they would’ve come in sooner, we could have helped prevent them from developing their problems.
Everybody is going to develop a decline in their natural occurring hormones. It’s going to adversely affect their metabolism because that will affect their thyroid hormones. And most Americans aren’t going to eat right. 70% of the people in America are overweight, half of whom are obese. So we know we have health problems going on. And these things ought to be addressed early, so you don’t have to try to sink or fix a ship that has taken on water and you’ve already got health problems. We want to prevent health problems. So that’s what I want you to think about, each one of you, to explain to you, you’re on a health highway right now.
Most Americans are going down the wrong side of the road on the health highway and they’re going to come over and over passing and get run over and get in a wreck. And then, oh, now they want to get back on the right side of health. They’ve had a heart attack, or they’ve developed cancer, or they got a lung disorder, whatever. They have a neurological problem. Now they want to get healthy and well, and they go see…
Tell us the story. Tell us what you hear about our potential guests, our prospective guests, what they find when they go to their conventional doctors, because we’re not the first people they call, routinely. We should be – don’t call us first, they call us last. We’re all the time the last resort. So tell us what you hear from guests, how they’ve been treated by conventional doctors, how they heard about us, what made them decide to call, and what kind of problems do you commonly hear from our prospective guests?
Sherry Allen: Probably the number one symptom is energy – low energy, fatigue, chronic fatigue. And once it gets to that stage, it goes into an ache, just their body aches. They hurt all over. They just don’t feel themselves. And they’ll go through certain medications in hopes that they feel better quickly. And sometimes it masks the issues and they’re okay for a little while, but those symptoms tend to get worse with time.
And now it just dominoes on itself. With women, I just wish all women knew the importance of keeping their female hormones balanced through each decade of their life. And they’re going to continually shift. We know how to rebalance them with each decade, with each change. And that’s the energy, the brain fog, hair loss, joint pain. These women start to have headaches, mood swings, insomnia, low libido.
And they love their spouse, but they don’t understand what happened to their body. And the husband, he’s pulling his hair out and scratching, he’s like, “What happened to my wife?” And that happens with men, as well. I want women to know that they don’t have to suffer unnecessarily and just learn to live with it, but they get a lot of negative reinforcement from doctors.
“It’s all in your head.”
“You just need the antidepressant.”
“Here’s the birth control pill to make those menstrual problems and cramps and pain go away.”
And those are not the answers. Those are not the solutions. So I just love the opportunity to help educate women about their own bodies. And I reference your book. I mail a free copy of your book to educate them on their own bodies.
That’s so important. With men, they start to notice a decrease in motivation, analytical thinking. Let somebody else do it. They don’t care so much anymore. Their sleep becomes an issue. They may have some moods and weight..weight gain is a huge issue for both men and women. And all of those issues we can correct naturally. And again, don’t wait until you’re 50, 60, 70 and into the 80s to call us. Call us as soon as it’s starting to affect your quality of life. It’s so much easier for us to correct, and then you get to capitalize on these really prime time years.
Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s so key and important. And ladies, it’s really very common for women, once they’ve had a few children, for their hormones to begin to change, and this often occurs in their mid-30s. That’s when they begin to have lower levels of progesterone production. You make two primary hormones during your menstrual life. You make estrogen and progesterone and they’re to balance each other out. Estrogen is made during the entire menstrual cycle. It’s the proliferative hormone.
Mid-cycle, day 14, 15, that would be after the first day of your period, day 14 or 15 is when you would ovulate and make progesterone. You give off an egg and you make progesterone to balance out the estrogen. And what happens is women mature, their ovaries don’t work as well and they may not ovulate every month. And that way all they have is estrogen, a proliferative hormone. And so their periods become heavier. They get cramping. Instead of lasting three to five days, it may be five to seven, seven to nine.
Cramping. They get breakthrough bleeding. They get fibroids. They go to the OB/GYN and he goes, “Hey, I can solve that problem. We’ll just whoop out and take that uterus right out. Do a hysterectomy. You’ll be fine. You won’t have any more abnormal bleeding.” Well, you won’t. But the problem is not with the uterus. The problem is with the hormones that were imbalanced, and you’re still going to have hormonal imbalance. And they want to put you on some counterfeit hormone like Premarin, and that causes you to have estrogen dominance.
It adversely affects your thyroid. You’ve got low energy. You have difficulty with weight. You can’t think clear. You get brain fog. You get mood swings, depression, joint muscle aches and pains. You just feel generally sick and tired of being sick and tired, lose your romantic moods and inclinations. You may be prone to other health issues, and all these can be easily addressed early in life and should be addressed early in life in your 30s. But whenever you come in, it’s better now than waiting another year or another five years.
And the next thing you know, you’ve had some kind of serious health problem, then you want to try to repair it and go back. My dad taught me this. He said, “Son, God has given…” And he wasn’t a physician either. He was just a very, very common sense guy. He said, “Son, God’s given the body amazing restorative powers. If you put the right molecules in the body and the right food in your body, your body’s going to heal itself.” And that’s really true. Pharmaceutical drugs don’t heal you.
Pharmaceutical drugs are toxins. And sure, you hear it all the time from particularly women that have these health issues with low energy and difficulty with weight and joint and muscle aches and pains and mood swings. They throw them on antidepressants, antianxiety medication, and a whole host of medication. And they pat them on the knee and say, “Honey, this is the way you’re supposed to feel at your age. You’ve got children. You’re not supposed to feel like you did when you were 18.” Well, I think that’s totally wrong.
You ought to be brimming with energy. I don’t care how old you are. We have guests in our practice in their 70s and 80s that are still rocking and rolling. They’re still going and blowing. And yet we see people that come in in their 50s and they look like and act like they’re 70 or 80-year-old. They run out of gas and they’re on a pot full of medications. One thing that you mentioned that these people, they have insurance and they want to get a quick fix when they call up. Do they still look for that from us? When they contact you, are they still looking for a quick fix?
Sherry Allen: If they know about us, if they’ve read the book, looked at the website, listened to the radio, they have a general idea that it’s like. You can’t microwave a seed. You get a packet of seeds at the garden store and you have to read the instructions. If it says take six weeks to germinate, it’s going to…that’s nature. You can’t put a little microwave on it and get it today. Wouldn’t we love that? But that’s not the way nature works. So we really want people to devote that first year to really put their shoulder against the wall, do everything the provider says.
We’re going to turn that ship around. We’re transforming your whole life within that year. You can start feeling better within two to four weeks, but give us that full year of your full attention and dedication. So that by the second year, we’re just maintaining what we’ve created. And again, everybody’s different. If you don’t have a lot of issues, you might respond really quickly and we just maintain. We go into maintenance as soon as you’re there. Others are more complicated.
They’ve let the layers of complication pile on them. That’s what I can help them understand in that first consultation is give them an idea of what to expect. I really want to help them understand how we can help them, how we’re different. That’s the biggest thing. How are you going to be different from all these other doctors I’ve already gone to and spent a fortune and now I’m worse and now I’m more skeptical than ever? I’ve lived it. I’ve watched you with everything you’ve done, every cutting edge you’ve crossed.
I know how to talk to these people so they understand the process. And to me, that’s a gift that you’ve given me that I want to pass forward to others so they can have this opportunity as well. Truly is a gift.
Dr. Steven Hotze: Well, Sherry, you’re as well-read as or better read on natural approaches to health than 99% of the doctors…put you up against 99% of the doctors on natural approaches. And you know that’s true, because they’re not taught it in med school and the pharmaceutical companies surely don’t promote it. Their conferences don’t promote it. Unless they get involved with a functional or integrative medical group, and there are a few of those, unless they get involved with that, they’re never even introduced to natural approaches to health.
I’m talking about physicians. So folks, you really need to be…if you want to be healthy and well, you’ve got to do it naturally. You cannot drug yourself into good health. Nobody is sick because they have low levels of statin drugs or high blood pressure drugs or heart medication or sleep medication or antianxiety medication or anti-inflammatory medication or antidepressant medication. Nobody’s sick because they have low levels of those in their body. They’re sick because they haven’t taken care of their health.
And this is what I want to encourage each one of you, if you’re an individual who wants to take charge of their health, you’re the kind of person that we want to help. If you’re not willing to take charge of your health…and by the way, there’s nobody that’s going to take charge of your health if you don’t. No doctor can make you well. No government or insurance company or spouse can make you well. You’ve got to decide on your own that you want to get healthy and well and be a healthy person.
It’s your choice. Our role is to provide you with the partnership and with the coaching that coaches you on that path of health and wellness naturally. We want you to take responsibility for your health and we want you to be willing to invest in your health. I was asked one time at a Saturday morning conference we held, we had about four or five hundred people on Saturday morning…
Now, people don’t get up on Saturday morning to go to a health and wellness conference because they feel great. They’re not feeling well. And so there was a time at the end for questions. And this one lady raised her hand and said, “Let me ask you a question.” I said yes. She said, “Why don’t you take insurance?” I said, “That’s a great question. Let me ask the whole audience a question. How many of you here in this audience see a doctor who takes your insurance?” Almost every hand was raised, hundreds of hands. And I said, “And how many of you are feeling healthy and well?” And the hands went down.
“That’s why we don’t take insurance. We’re not going to have the insurance companies, the government, or anybody dictate to us what we have to do, what kind of drugs we need to prescribe. We work solely and coach solely our guests. We have your best interests at heart. We want you to get on a path to health and wellness naturally so you enjoy a better quality of life, so you have energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life. For crying out loud, that’s the way you ought to feel as you mature.”
So I want to encourage any one of you who is interested in getting on a path to health and wellness to contact our office. A new guest consultant will be assigned to you, and it may be Sherry. We have several new guest consultants. Maybe Sherry or one of our other new guest consultants will visit with you and learn from you what your problems are and then see if we are a fit, if we’re a fit to help you get on that path to health and wellness naturally. So I want to encourage you to call us (281-698-8698).
And I also want to encourage you to request a copy of this book, Hormones, Health, and Happiness. You can request that either when you talk to Sherry as a new guest consultant or talk to whoever answers the phone and say, “I’d like a copy of Dr. Hotze’s book, Hormones, Health, and Happiness.” We will be pleased to send you a copy of that book free of charge. No shipping costs or anything. I want you to understand our view of how you can get healthy and well.
And then we want to offer you the opportunity to partner with you so you can get on that path to health and wellness. And I know Sherry would love to visit with you. Sherry, do you have any closing remarks?
Sherry Allen: I am still concerned to this day with the number of people I talk to that don’t understand the difference between synthetic hormones and natural bioidentical hormones. We still get a lot of confusion out there about cancer and hormones, and it’s like, okay, mom, your daughter just turned 12. She started having cycles. Did you start saying, oh, now she’s going to get breast cancer?
No, you didn’t, because hormones are natural God-given. And in a balanced state, they’re life-giving and protective. I will take the time to help explain that to you so you feel safe and comfortable. We’ve been here 34 years. We know what we’re doing. You’re not our Guinea pig. We’ll give you references, and send the book so that you understand why you want to consider this for health and happiness and living a wonderful life.
Dr. Steven Hotze: Well, Sherry, thank you and thank you for the wonderful work you’ve done to encourage so many thousands of people to get on that path to health and wellness. You play a really key role because you’re really the first person that our prospective guests visit with and you do a wonderful job, and I’m so grateful to have you.
Just as an aside note, Sherry was a guest for us three years or four years before she came and talked to me at the office one day. I was walking out or walking into my office and she came up and said, “Dr. Hotze, I want to come work for you, and I want to help people get on this path to health and wellness like I have.” And so that’s when she went into our new guest consulting department and has done a wonderful, wonderful job helping so many thousands of people. Thank you, Sherry.
Sherry Allen: Thank you. And it is my privilege to speak with each and every person that calls us. It truly is.
Dr. Steven Hotze: Thank you, and thanks for joining us today on the Hotze Health & Wellness Program.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today!
Are you ready to get your health back on track? At the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, we will guide you on the path of health and wellness naturally. Take our symptom checker to find out if you could be suffering from hormone decline and imbalance. Give us a call at 281-698-8698 for a complimentary consultation! Don’t wait – it’s time to get your life back!
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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.
Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.
Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?
Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.
At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.
Meet our doctors"I went from feeling tired and foggy to to getting my energy and vitality back!”
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