August 9, 2023
Ladies, are you excited about starting a family, but are having infertility issues? Are you unable to conceive or do you have recurring miscarriages? Did you know that this can be caused by hormonal decline and imbalance?
In this podcast transcription and video, Dr. Steven Hotze addresses two common causes of infertility in women and shares how to address them naturally. Don’t lose hope – restoring and balancing your hormones may be the answer you need!
Podcast Highlights:
0:28: Now, infertility can be caused by hormonal insufficiencies and imbalances.
1:13: Now, if a woman doesn’t ovulate, obviously she can’t become pregnant, or if a woman’s hormones become imbalanced.
2:20: It’s important for that progesterone to be made in adequate amounts. As women mature, and you’re well aware of this, they are less likely or they’re less fertile, less likely to become pregnant.
2:33: A woman is most fertile in her younger years, in her teens and 20s and even into her 30s, and that begins to decline midway into her 30s and into the 40s.
3:46: Now, this can occur naturally as a woman matures into her late 30s and into her 40s approaching menopause. But it can occur…younger women that are infertile tend to have a problem with not being able to produce adequate amounts of progesterone.
4:46: As a matter of fact, as the pregnancy goes on, it produces more and more progesterone promoting the pregnancy. Until the last month, a woman has very, very extremely high levels of progesterone, higher than she’s ever had on her own. And then when that baby is delivered, there’s a dramatic drop in progesterone.
5:05: What happens in some women, they do not make enough progesterone to be able to maintain a pregnancy early on in the first month or two months, and they may have a miscarriage or they may just not become pregnant at all.
5:23: Oftentimes physicians, when women have had problems with miscarriages, they will give them natural progesterone as that baby develops in order to help maintain that pregnancy.
5:37: Now, a major cause of poor ovarian function has to do with thyroid function, the thyroid gland in the neck produces thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are what enable your cells to produce and use energy. You have to have energy and good thyroid hormone levels intracellularly in the cells that activates your mitochondria and produces the energy that enables your body to function normally.
6:06: When we have problems with not adequate amounts of natural thyroid hormone, the active thyroid hormone T3, if we don’t have enough of that, if a woman doesn’t have enough of that, her cells and her ovaries are not going to function well, and that will lead to her inability to conceive or carry a baby to full term.
7:03: Replenishing when there’s hormone imbalances starting on day 15, we can add some natural progesterone to balance out the estrogen hormones and make a woman more likely to be able to conceive.
7:17: And secondly, by using thyroid hormone, we increase the body’s metabolism so the ovaries function in a normal fashion and produce the ovum, the egg, and produce the amount of progesterone that’s needed.
7:38: …they’re called infertility clinics, and rightly so, because 75% of the women that go and spend $50 or $100,000 at the infertility clinic don’t become pregnant, and that’s because the doctors there are not addressing the underlying cause of the infertility. And that underlying cause is commonly due to hypothyroidism, low thyroid function intracellularly, that doesn’t show up on a blood test.
8:07: Historically, doctors, years ago before we had thyroid blood tests, when a woman had problems with infertility, they would give her a therapeutic trial of natural thyroid hormone.
8:44: I always tell or we tell our ladies that if you’ve come here for hormonal balance and you’ve been to an infertility clinic and haven’t been able to get pregnant, don’t blame us if you get pregnant, because it’s going to happen and it’s happened over and over again.
Podcast Transcription:
Dr. Steven Hotze: Hello, I’m Dr. Steve Hotze. Welcome to today’s program. We’re going to discuss infertility. Infertility is a common feature of those that are unable to become pregnant or have recurrent miscarriages. Now, infertility can be caused by hormonal insufficiencies and imbalances. Let me explain that.
For a woman to become pregnant, she has to ovulate. In her ovary, she produces an egg, an ovum, and that egg travels down the fallopian tubes into the uterus, where if she has relationships within 24 hours of the ovum entering the uterus, that sperm from her husband will impregnate that ovum and she will become pregnant. It will stick to the lining of the uterus and she’ll have a pregnancy. Now, if a woman doesn’t ovulate, obviously she can’t become pregnant or if a woman’s hormones become imbalanced. Let me explain that.
The hormones which I’m talking about are the female hormones, the estrogen and the progesterone. Estrogen hormone is made all month long. It proliferates the inner lining of the womb. It’s a proliferative hormone. It beefs up the womb as it prepares for a pregnancy. Now, in the middle of the cycle, a woman will ovulate. When she ovulates, that area out of which the egg is derived is called the corpus luteum, and that corpus luteum produces progesterone.
Progesterone balances out the estrogen. It matures the inner lining of the womb waiting for a pregnancy to occur. If there’s no pregnancy, then the hormone levels, both estrogen and progesterone, rapidly decline, a woman sloughs the inner lining of the womb and has her period, and everything starts over again. It’s important for that progesterone to be made in adequate amounts. As women mature, and you’re well aware of this, they are less likely or they’re less fertile, less likely to become pregnant.
A woman is most fertile in her younger years, in her teens and 20s and even into her 30s, and that begins to decline midway into her 30s and into the 40s. The reason for that is, is that women begin to have anovulatory cycles. They’ll have months they will not produce an ovum. And when they don’t produce an ovum, they don’t make any progesterone and they get what we call estrogen dominance. Estrogen is the hormone that dominates that particular cycle. It proliferates the inner lining of the womb, and there’s no progesterone to mature it.
And then a woman will, when she has her period, she becomes heavier. We see as women march through their menstrual life, they may go from having a period that lasts three to five days and is light, to a few years later it goes five to seven days and it becomes moderate, and then goes seven to nine days or nine to 12 days and it becomes very heavy as she marches through her menstrual life. This is a sign of estrogen dominance.
Estrogen dominance, when a woman is estrogen dominant, she is less likely to become pregnant. She’s going to be infertile. Now, this can occur naturally as a woman matures into her late 30s and into her 40s approaching menopause. But it can occur…younger women that are infertile tend to have a problem with not being able to produce adequate amounts of progesterone. Now, when a woman becomes pregnant and the fertilized ovum lands on the wall, it signals back to the ovaries continue to make progesterone. Progesterone promotes gestation. That’s where the word comes from, pro, promote, gesterone, gestation. It promotes pregnancy. It’s the hormone of pregnancy.
As a matter of fact, as the baby grows in the womb and develops a placenta, that placenta belongs to the baby, that placenta governs the pregnancy. It produces progesterone. As a matter of fact, as the pregnancy goes on, it produces more and more progesterone promoting the pregnancy. Until the last month, a woman has very, very extremely high levels of progesterone, higher than she’s ever had on her own. And then when that baby is delivered, there’s a dramatic drop in progesterone.
What happens in some women, they do not make enough progesterone to be able to maintain a pregnancy early on in the first month or two months, and they may have a miscarriage or they may just not become pregnant at all. Oftentimes physicians, when women have had problems with miscarriages, they will give them natural progesterone as that baby develops in order to help maintain that pregnancy.
Thyroid and Fertility
Now, a major cause of poor ovarian function has to do with thyroid function, the thyroid gland in the neck produces thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are what enable your cells to produce and use energy. You have to have energy and good thyroid hormone levels intracellularly in the cells that activates your mitochondria and produces the energy that enables your body to function normally. When we have problems with not adequate amounts of natural thyroid hormone, the active thyroid hormone T3, if we don’t have enough of that, if a woman doesn’t have enough of that, her cells and her ovaries are not going to function well, and that will lead to her inability to conceive or carry a baby to full term. Two things can be done.
Signs of Possible Infertility
If you’re having a problem with fertility and your menstrual cycles are somewhat irregular, you’re having premenstrual symptoms, mood swings, fluid retention, weight gain, and headaches. If your periods are becoming heavier, which by the way, when the periods become heavier as you march through the menstrual life, women will oftentimes develop fibroid tumors. All these things can prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.
Two Natural Solutions to Help Restore Fertility
Replenishing when there’s hormone imbalances starting on day 15, we can add some natural progesterone to balance out the estrogen hormones and make a woman more likely to be able to conceive. And secondly, by using thyroid hormone, we increase the body’s metabolism so the ovaries function in a normal fashion and produce the ovum, the egg, and produce the amount of progesterone that’s needed. We’ve seen numerous women that have come from so-called fertility clinics.
No, they’re called infertility clinics, and rightly so, because 75% of the women that go and spend $50 or $100,000 at the infertility clinic don’t become pregnant, and that’s because the doctors there are not addressing the underlying cause of the infertility. And that underlying cause is commonly due to hypothyroidism, low thyroid function intracellularly, that doesn’t show up on a blood test. Historically, doctors, years ago before we had thyroid blood tests, when a woman had problems with infertility, they would give her a therapeutic trial of natural thyroid hormone.
We use that at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, natural desiccated thyroid hormone. We don’t use synthetic thyroid. These women that have come to us, I always tell them, don’t blame us…they come to us because their hormones are all screwed up from having gone to the infertility clinic, and they just want to get back in balance. Having no idea that really by getting them in balance hormonally, that increases the odds of them becoming pregnant.
I always tell or we tell our ladies that if you’ve come here for hormonal balance and you’ve been to an infertility clinic and haven’t been able to get pregnant, don’t blame us if you get pregnant, because it’s going to happen and it’s happened over and over again. I want to encourage any one of you that is having a problem with infertility to give us a call here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. Phone number’s on the screen (281-698-8698).
If you’d like more information about hormonal balance and thyroid function, give us a call at our main line, 281-698-8698, the number on the screen, and ask for a copy of my book and I’ll be glad to have one of the ladies send it to you. We won’t charge you anything for shipping. I want to thank you for joining us on the program today. If you’re trying to become pregnant, I hope this gives you some hope and encouragement that you can.
Kathryn’s Story – She went from being told she could never have children by conventional doctors to restoring hormone balance at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center and having 7 children! Watch her story for inspiration. It’s amazing!
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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.
Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.
Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?
Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.
At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.
Meet our doctors"I went from feeling tired and foggy to to getting my energy and vitality back!”
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