Breaking News: Underlying Cause of Fibromyalgia Revealed

April 27, 2015

Breaking News: Underlying Cause of Fibromyalgia Revealed

Do you want to know what is a common underlying cause of fibromyalgia?

 -According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, there are between 15 and 20 million people who suffer with fibromyalgia.
-Dr. Steven Hotze, Hypothyroidism, Health & Happiness

– 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease
– Up to 60% of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition

  Coincidence?  We don’t think so.

“My doctor told me I have fibromyalgia and I will have to live with it.”
Have you been visiting doctor after doctor trying to find out why you have such bad muscle pain, fatigue, and insomnia, among many other symptoms?  Has your doctor told you that your blood test results are normal and that you must have fibromyalgia?  Has he told you that there is no cure and that he doesn’t know the cause?  It’s time to break the silence on the most common cause of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms are Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Fibromyalgia is simply a Latin word meaning muscle pain, yet it has come to be used by traditional medicine to describe a collection of symptoms as if it is a disease.  It is actually a symptom itself.  Take a look – do any of these fibromyalgia symptoms sound familiar to you?  They are also symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Joint pain and stiffness                             Muscle pain and weakness
Fatigue                                                              Nausea
Sleep disturbances                                       Dizziness
Headaches/migraines                                 Sore throat
Difficulty concentrating                              Tingling or numbness in extremities
Mental fog/”fibro fog”                                 Memory loss
Constipation/irritable bowel                    Shortness of breath
Bloating                                                            Increased allergy symptoms
Painful menstrual periods                         Heightened chemical sensitivity
Blurred vision                                                 Chest pain
Depression                                                      Sensitivity to light
Panic attacks                                                  Weight loss or gain
Anxiety                                                              Skin disorders (e.g., dry skin)
Cold  extremities

Why is Fibromyalgia so Commonly Diagnosed?
You have heard us say before how frequently hypothyroid diagnoses are missed.  It is no surprise that fibromyalgia is so commonly diagnosed by traditional doctors today, because fibromyalgia is most often hypothyroidism that is being misdiagnosed.  Family physicians, general internists, and rheumatologists are the doctors who typically treat fibromyalgia. There is no diagnostic test for it. Doctors make a diagnosis by conducting physical examinations, evaluating symptoms, and ruling out other conditions. For example, a condition with similar symptoms, hypothyroidism, is often confirmed with a blood test.  Here in lies the problem.  You can’t rely on a blood test to diagnose hypothyroidism!

Why Traditional Doctors Fail to Properly Diagnose Hypothyroidism
Traditional doctors are taught to only look at a blood test, the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test, when it comes to evaluating a patient for hypothyroidism symptoms.  So when this blood test comes back in the “normal range,” your doctor doesn’t know what to do.  He might tell you that you have fibromyalgia and give you pharmaceutical drugs to mask the symptoms.  He typically prescribes drugs such as Lyrica, Cymbalta, Savella, antidepressants, antianxiety medications, sleep medications, and pain medications. He thinks the cause of fibromyalgia is mysterious and unknown.

Our Approach to Fibromyalgia Treatment 
If you have been given a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and you have symptoms of hypothyroidism, even though your thyroid hormone levels are in the normal range, you should know that there is a better way.  We treat with a therapeutic trial of bioidentical thyroid hormone replacement and incrementally adjust your thyroid dose until your fibromyalgia symptoms are resolved.

Rebecca’s Story – How She Beat Fibromyalgia
Rebecca suffered from fibromyalgia for 15 years.  She had muscle and joint pain, weight gain, she couldn’t sleep, and had no energy. Traditional doctors were not able to help her – they only gave her antidepressants and pain medications.  Click here to watch how Rebecca got her life back.

Could your fibromyalgia symptoms be hypothyroidism symptoms?  Download Dr. Hotze’s Thyroid-Hormone Connection to find out now. Click here to get your guide.

Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


24 responses to “Breaking News: Underlying Cause of Fibromyalgia Revealed”

  1. kim says:

    what a cheap shot – there is no revelation here. just because fibromyalgia and hypothyroid have similar symptoms does not mean they have the same pathogenesis. countless folks with fibromyalgia have tried every variation of thyroid treatment, to no avail. breaking news? please.

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Kim,
      There may be many causes of fibromyalgia, or muscle pain, however in our experience we have found that often hypothyroidism is the culprit. What we see happening is that women with hypothyroidism and all the symptoms of low thyroid function are not being properly diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Instead, they are given other diagnoses that describe their symptoms or a collection of symptoms, such as fibromyalgia (muscle pain), chronic fatigue syndrome (fatigue), IBS, depression…and more – all of which merely describe symptoms. This does not help the patient who needs to be treated for hypothyroidism – the underlying cause. Hypothyroidism is a common cause of muscle pain, fatigue, and many of the symptoms that are grouped under the fibromyalgia diagnosis. Why not find out first if hypothyroidism is the true cause? To do so, your doctor must take into consideration your symptoms and clinical history and NOT just rely on a blood test. The problem is that mainstream doctors are failing to diagnose hypothyroidism properly and this fails the patient. If you do get a diagnosis of hypothyroidism, there is also the issue of mainstream doctors treating with synthetic thyroid, which is not as effective, or not dosing natural thyroid correctly, so this must be taken into consideration as well. We want to offer hope to those who may be suffering from hypothyroidism but have been given the wrong diagnosis. Thank you for your comment.

      • Wendy says:

        What a very nice way to respond to Kim’s not so nice and frustrated comment. I believe that a lot of people are “holding on” to the idea they have Fibromyalgia as a resolve to their issues so that it’s not something worse. I have not been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, but have felt for some time that I do indeed have it with my WIDE variety of ongoing symptoms but that do come and go over the last few years. I also though was indeed diagnosed via blood test with Low Thyroid. I believe you can have both. I pray that there is hope to rid them both and become energetic and less in pain someday soon. Being able to still function with it is a blessing, however it would be so nice to be able to function without wincing at every other move sometimes especially on the days when it’s worse than most. Thank you for your information and it isn’t just informative but encouraging. Merry Christmas 🙂

        • Hotze Team says:

          Dear Wendy,

          Thank you for your kind words. Since you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, has your treatment helped you? If you are on Synthroid and are still having symptoms, this is because it is only the inactive form of thyroid hormone. This post explains the difference: The dose could also be an issue. If you are on the right dose, you should have increased energy and resolution of your symptoms.

          We will be happy to help you get on the right path. Please contact a wellness consultant for a complimentary consultation at 877-698-8698. Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. justin guadalupe says:

    so if you believe your one of these people misdiagnosed, how do you help yourself? does your doctor have to prescribe the bioidentical thyroid hormone? can you order online?

    • Hotze Team says:

      First, you need to find a doctor who is open to natural approaches, who will listen and evaluate all your symptoms and clinical history, and who won’t solely rely on a single blood test. Also, if your body temperature is below 98.6, then that is a good indicator of low thyroid function, as well. If you are seeing a doctor who has a mainstream approach, they are taught to use the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test to diagnose hypothyroidism, which often fails the patient. The TSH lab range is so wide that most people fall within it, even though they have hypothyroidism. Here is a video link of our doctors discussing how to diagnose hypothyroidism:
      Bioidentical hormones and natural thyroid have to be prescribed by a doctor. If you would like a complimentary consultation with one of our wellness consultants, please call us at 281-698-8698. We will be happy to help you.

    • Bev says:

      I will tell you one thing and that is I had a neck fusion and my vit D was so low it was a -5! My MD said I had hypothyroidism and I had had all over pain and all the named symptom of fibro. She doesn’t do one thing for me except give my synthetic thyroid Meds and tells me to take Vit D. Says my thyroid is fine now when I know the doc who did my neck fusion messed up my thyroid when he did the fusion. She will not refer my to a thyroid doc says I am fine. I get so sick of all these pain Meds my pain doc gives me there is something else wrong I know! I am getting the book to read and hope I can get help!

      • Hotze Team says:

        We are so sorry that you are still suffering. Our doctors have great results with our patients by prescribing natural thyroid, or desiccated (dried) thyroid. We use a desiccated thyroid preparation that is compounded here at Hotze Pharmacy. If your doctor is telling you that you are “fine” due to your blood work alone, then you need to find a doctor who will listen to your symptoms and evaluate your clinical history and basal body temperature. The TSH lab range often fails the patient because it is so wide that the majority of the population fall within the “normal” range, even though they are still hypothyroid.

        Dr. Hotze’s book will be very helpful to you. In it, he explains why hypothyroidism is commonly misdiagnosed and mistreated, as well as the proper way to diagnose and treat it. Take our thyroid symptom checker quiz at You may also call a wellness consultant for a complimentary consultation at 877-698-8698. We wish you good health!

  3. Pam Caidin says:

    Looks remarkably EXACTLY like Lyme Disease.

    • Karen In Carova says:

      Yeah, I wonder. Tick-related, fibro, hypothyroid, or arthritis. Sucks no matter what. Nobody really prepared me.

  4. Still Kicking says:

    I have hypothyroidism AND fibromyalgia AND lupus AND Osteoarthritis. My doctors are treating me for all of the above and then some. I do not see this as a “new” breakthrough. Some other fibromyalgia sisters I know have been trying guaifenisen……so I think that is a real breaking news!
    Thank you for your attention to this demeaning debilitating condition.

  5. T. says:

    I have a step mom that I thought lime disease was her symptoms …bulls eye spot on the calf of her leg. Major mood swings. She also has the thyroid problem. Don’t remember if it is over or under reactive. Now she is diagnosed with dementia. I have a step sister diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. She has an over or under active thyroid too, just don’t remember which, and now she’s addicted to pain killers. The symptoms and signs from the article and comments, got me wondering about both of them. Please help explain this to me. Does my step mom really have dementia and does my step sister really have fibromyalgia? Those two are not blood related to each other or me. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on this because I think they are both being over medicated. Thanks much, T.

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dementia, memory loss, and brain fog are symptoms of underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism. One of our patients, Terri, had memory loss and was about to be put on a trial of drugs for Alzheimer’s, when she found out about our wellness center. It wasn’t Alzheimer’s after all, but hypothyroidism. Watch her story here: Here is another article on hormones and mental health:

      Fibromyalgia means muscle pain, and is usually used to describe a collection of symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Your step sister could possibly have hypothyroidism, if she hasn’t already been diagnosed. If not, then the challenging part is to get a doctor to diagnose her for hypothyroidism according to her symptoms, and not just a single blood test. The TSH blood test is not the best way to diagnose hypothyroidism, because the lab range is so wide that most people fall within it and are told they are “in the normal range”, while they still have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Once diagnosed, it is important to treat with natural, desiccated thyroid, and not synthetic thyroid, such as Synthroid.

      People who have been given the fibromyalgia diagnosis are often given a pill for every symptom. We agree that many patients are overmedicated with drugs in an attempt to mask each symptom – but this never solves the underlying cause of the symptom.

      If we can be of help, please call our wellness consultants for a complimentary consultation at 281-698-8698. We wish your step mom and step sister the good health that they deserve.

  6. T. Carter says:

    Thank you for the response. So I’m guessing they are both under active thyroid. They have both been diagnosed for the thyroid thing, but not sure what drugs they take for that. The fact that they have been diagnosed with dementia and fibromyalgia and put on other drugs for those concerns me. And, what does lyme disease have to do with all of this, because, I could have sworn my step-mom had that. But, I am not a doctor, so I can’t say for sure. My step-mom also had the major weight loss and trouble sleeping. My step-sister, gained weight and sleeps a lot, maybe due to pain killers. Anymore help or advise would be welcomed. Thanks much, T.

  7. Kelly Bettaazza says:

    what is you been dianosed with both but they still but you on a crap load of drugs and you are getting no relief from the pain and the muscle cramps keep you up all night?

  8. J.C. says:

    Hotze Team
    I’ve had fibromyalgia since Aug 10,1990. I have a underactive thyroid, diagnosed with lime disease in about 2004 and was treated with high douses of antibiotics. I have chronic fatigue which I developed right after fibro. I have spent a bundle over the years from naturopathic doc. , MDs ,psychiatrist , Rheumatologist have had asthma since 1971. I have suffered so long don’t know what it feels like to be normal. As I age more things develop like plantar faceitus now I am suffering with sciatic nerve pain. I slowly took my self of all the drugs. Once in a while I will take a flexrall when I can’t stand it anymore or calms when I get over anxious, and I still suffer almost every day, but I make myself move. mild exercise helps like walking. soft tissue message helps warm showers. But nothing takes the pain away.
    Here’s the deal I use to clean houses for a living and worked in the school cafeteria where Bleach was used everyday. I have every symptom on your list and then some. I think the chemicals I used broke down my immune system. Everything mentioned has to do with the immune system. I don’t think you can fully recover but I think that’s where they need to star.t Why do we have this wide spread pain in the fibers in the skin. Would it have something to do with the cells. I feel for the doctors that don’t know what to do with us. But we still try even though the depression and anxiety get to us what’s left? We break down and cry and share our stories of pain and how it has transformed us into people we don’t know. Its hard on our families that want to help but don’t know what in the world to do. I have been on Armor Thyroid for years hasn’t done anything for fibro or fatigue. Helped regulate my temp. don’t freeze anymore. But I continue to gain weight. So doctors what is your response? I would love any kind of help. Thank you

  9. CarteBlanche says:

    So what is being offered here, a better quality of life and a hope for what …reinsertion into Corporate “The Matrix” America? For the record: I’ve and many others have been given every pill imaginable and poked and then prodded regardless of how bad the side effects were …IMHO the damage from doctors who PRACTICE medicine has been done.

    I’m 52 years of age with 30+ years of Fibromyalgia symptoms adding Meniere’s disease (late 2007); for 5 years I have been officially labeled as unemployable – even P/T work cannot be approved when regarding my attendance. * I am a male by the way, so I guess I’m an anomaly (as well as my Uncle). ** I have never been officially diagnosed …but there’s no doubt in my mind that I have fibromyalgia.

    I also seem to be an enigma of sorts… because I fight like hell to maintain optimal health which honestly, can be painful and at best is marginally helpful …but it’s better than sitting around waiting for death and taxes. The sad part? My age and long-term drive to maintain optimal health leaves S.S.I. with no other choice but to refuse me benefits – “I’m too healthy.” I’ve also indirectly been told, “That I should stop riding my bike, going to the gym (light exercise), walking and or trying to do something beyond sitting on my zero assets.” * So… forgetting better health equals I may receive max $1,200 a month? …It’s party time!!

    What do y’all think… Should I trust another promise by those PRACTICING medicine? How about SSI’s proposal? Should I show a little more gratitude?

  10. Randy says:

    I get and am extremely frustrated with the entire Medical Community and especially with my VA Dr. Been diagnosed with Fibro, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, PTSD, 2 Mini-Strokes, roughly 12 seizures (I feel they were brought on from Neurontin/Gabapentin) Need a new left knee, possible lower back surgery from 3 bulging disks and sciatica. I get anxiety from my PTSD, also suffer bad from migraines. My crap bag VA Dr plays with my Meds and she must think she is funny because of her messing with them. She apparently doesn’t realize that this is MY LIFE (and my families, wife, 14 year old son and my mother) it affects ALL of us. I am sooo tired of not being myself I cannot stand it. I don’t know what I am doing here anymore and it seems like I am just waiting for death. I used to be a proud person with dignity, a Marine Combat Veteran, and this has made me into a mean, moody, suffering all the time miserable person who is nothing but a drag onto my family. I want to do so many things and can no longer. I am very frustrated and angry. My Lyrica helps but I feel it needs increased, I also feel my Vicodin should be increased (been taking it for @ 11-12 yrs) I live my life by Pain, Migraines and try to get through my days and a lot of days it is very rough. Maybe my Dr thought I was taking too much of the Vicodin pill (which does extremely help out my lower back, knee and hip) but she took me off of them. I still take seizure meds and protonix pills for IBS and other things but I need to to give me back my 7.5 Vicodin, because my entire body has just basically shut down and everything hurts 100X more and it was already a stress and struggle to get through the day. I am not trying to be a pain pill addict but hey, if it works and helps give me some quality of life back, then so be it. Call me what you will, but at least I would still be some help to my family other than being a downer for them. There has to be a better way. They want me to go talk with the Nut Dr. for depression and anxiety, but I think anyone who has and does suffer as much as I do in a single day, WOULD and should be depressed. I mean, what do I have to look forward to?? I can’t even sleep.

    • Hotze Team says:

      We are so sorry to hear what you are going through. In our experience, many times things like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, migraines, insomnia and IBS are symptoms of other, underlying hormone, thyroid and gut imbalance issues that we can treat. These symptoms are ones that we get very good results with. Hypothyroidism is a very common cause of all of these symptoms.

      If you would like to find out how we can help, then we encourage you to please call us at 281-698-8698 and speak with a wellness consultant. We sincerely want you to get the help you need to feel better, and we want to thank you for your service to our country.

  11. Gray says:

    The cause, try again. Vaccines cause this, and so do the GMO food.

  12. Ange 13 says:

    Yeah right, so what, I go to my GP, and tell him to test my thyroid. And the test comes back normal ???! Do you think my GP is going to give me thyroid meds. I DONT THINK SO ! No matter what I tell him that this is a cure. Flipping heck. What is wrong with the people who put out this b*****t information? I had tests done on it ultra sound done on it. It’s normal. And normal means normal to any doctor. Especially to my doctor. Any ideas on who else would let me try thyroid meds. Noooop thought not.
    No matter what the cause, there is no cure. First came FMS. THEN OSTEOARTHRITIS ! In the spine, thoracic and lower, feet, wrists, hands, AC joints bilateral. With bilateral shoulder impingement ! With a bladder that is acting like a babies bladder. And a complete inability to sleep at night. Sure I would try thyroid meds. But it’s unlikely that any doctor would prescribe it with out the correct measurement in the blood test. These test are there and done so that doctors use them as a guide line. Until somebody changes the measurement in the blood test, nobody with FMS will be allowed to try thyroid treatment to get the affect you are claiming.
    This is information is bad. Because you say there is hope of being normal with this thyroid drug. Yet we will never realistically get a chance to try it. Not in the real world. My doctor would laugh at me, if I asked to try it. So this article that’s been written is giving FMS suffered false hope. Or no hope !

  13. Ange 13 says:

    Sorry I forgot to mention, I am in the uk.

  14. Naomi judd says:

    My name is Naomi Judd, I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life. I was infected with LUPUS VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called LUPUS and i lost hope because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for LUPUS and i saw Professor Oseamuyi testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from LUPUS Disease so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via DHL and it got to me after 14 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i”m so happy today! that’s the reason i decided to also add more comment about Him so that more can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,Email him on or or whatapp him number +2348077544690

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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?

Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.

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At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.

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