September 29, 2021
Dr. Hotze visits with Dr. Stephen Sinatra to discuss nutrition and supplements to help keep your heart healthy and strong. Learn about Dr. Sinatra’s “Awesome Foursome” of supplements that help prevent and reverse heart disease.
2:36: As you know folks, the leading cause of death in America is cardiovascular disease.
4:50: Well, probably one of the most important things is what we put in our mouth is really how we’re going to really be. In other words, there’s pro-inflammatory foods, there’s anti-inflammatory foods.
5:09: …inflammation is the root cause of heart disease.
5:35: “My greatest accomplishments was the discovery of coenzyme Q10 and the essence of earthing or grounding on the heart.”
6:23: CoQ10 is the most powerful electron donor I know, and you can also get electrons from walking bare feet at the beach or on the grass, not on asphalt because that’s the man-made.
7:11: And basically these are anti-aging maneuvers and these maneuvers can help reduce the relentless inflammation that we have in our bodies.
7:21: So when it comes to CoQ10, I am all in. This is my number one go-to nutrient.
13:05: And since I started using D-Ribose in combination with CoQ10, magnesium, and L-carnitine, I call that the awesome foursome and what that does, Steve, and our listeners should be privy to this, what it does, it drives energy into the right direction. In other words, it drives a production of ATP or adenosine triphosphate.
14:14: Remember, we all have intrinsic stem cells. They’re in our fat cells. They’re in our liver. And with the stem cell revolution, which occurred over the last 20 years, these chemical messages that are induced by the awesome foursome are communicating and we’re developing new heart cells.
15:36: Just like we form new red blood cells, we can form new heart cells.
17:25: I presented papers at the CoQ10 symposium in Kona, Italy over 10 years ago where I showed these patients who had refractory heart failure who did not really recover until they bumped their blood levels of CoQ10 up to seven times normal.
19:26: …the Cleveland Clinic has produced data showing in the meta analysis that carnitine is superior in patients with cardiomyopathy and angina because it does so many good things for the heart.
20:10: See people don’t realize this, but fat is the energy for the heart. Remember glucose is the energy for the brain.
20:30: So when we use carnitine, we’re not only shuttling in these free fatty acids, like a ferry boat, but we’re shuttling out the toxic byproducts of the metabolized fat. So carnitine acts like a shuttle and that’s why we call it the carnitine shuttle…
21:02: And remember D-Ribose is the center of the ATP molecule and magnesium basically is the glue that holds everything together because magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body.
23:58: I have had so many congenital kids that refused heart transplants as adults, even later in their teenagehood, because they had such a good quality of life on the awesome foursome that…and I’m talking about far advanced heart diseases.
30:17: We don’t make vitamin C. All the mammals in God’s creation make vitamin C except for humans, monkeys and Guinea pigs and they make on the average of 1,000 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight. I recommend to all our guests 1,000 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight.
31:20: …vitamin D3 can help protect you against the flu and help protect you against a respiratory illness.
Stacey Bandfield: Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. I’m Stacey Bandfield, here with Dr. Steven Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, and we are so delighted to have Dr. Sinatra back on the program today discussing simple tips that you can do to increase and improve your cardiovascular health. Dr. Hotze.
Dr. Hotze: Thank you so much Stacey, and thank you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. We do believe that you and everybody should have a doctor and a staff of professionals to coach you on a path to health and wellness naturally so as you mature, you’ve got energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life. The reason I host this a podcast is because I want you to take charge of your health and I want you to obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally.
To do that, I like to bring some really high-level prominent physicians that are specializing, not only in their specialty, but they specialize in natural and alternative approaches to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness without being on a pot full of pharmaceutical drugs. So, I’m so pleased today to have my good friend, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who’s a cardiologist. Dr. Sinatra originally grew up in Long Island, New York and went off to New York Medical School in Albany, ultimately did a cardiology residency, and he is an invasive cardiologist where he’s done all kinds of catheterizations of the heart.
He’s been located both in Connecticut, where he had the New England Heart Center, and he was a at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Chief of Cardiology, Director of Medical Education, and just a very prominent doctor nationwide even before he began to approach and adopt more natural approaches to health, which just vaulted him to a completely new level where he is followed by literally thousands of physicians from all different specialties across the country, following his recommendations, not only for eating, but for heart medication and vitamin and mineral supplementation and other methods that can help improve cardiovascular status.
As you know folks, the leading cause of death in America is cardiovascular disease. Heart attacks, strokes, and those sort of cardiovascular problems. It’s the leading cause of death and has been for decades. And so if you want to be healthy and well, don’t worry about…I mean, it’s important to have good healthy immune system. You have to fight off all these various infections and flu-like syndromes and COVID and all that, but that’s not what’s going to kill most Americans. What most Americans are going to end up dying from, a plurality, will die from heart disease. It’s above cancer.
So that’s why I’m excited to have Dr. Sinatra on the program today because I want him to give us Dr. Sinatra’s tips for a healthy heart. So, Dr. Sinatra, thank you for joining us again today and I look forward to your educational insightful comments about what individuals can do, like myself. What can we do to maintain a good healthy heart and cardiovascular status? Thank you for joining us.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, it’s great to be here, Steve. Thanks for that nice introduction.
Dr. Hotze: Well, so tell me, we know it all starts with eating. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, said let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food. So in your experience as a cardiologist, what is it…and I note that not only are you a board certified cardiologist, but you’re also board certified in the American College of Nutrition as a certified nutritional specialist.
Now how many doctors, folks, do you know that are certified nutritionists? I’m afraid most docs don’t know a difference between a carbohydrate and a protein, most of them. You know, they just say eat healthy and whatever that means to you. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. So tell us about the fact that you have this nutritional degree, tell us first, what does eating have to do with your health as far as your heart health?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, probably one of the most important things is what we put in our mouth is really how we’re going to really be. In other words, there’s pro-inflammatory foods, there’s anti-inflammatory foods. And it’s really important because, like we’ve mentioned before, what I talk about in lectures, inflammation is the root cause of heart disease. Now it’s kind of interesting, but my 50th medical school reunion is going to be next year, next May, so I’ve been a doctor for almost 50 years. And when I was lecturing last year, somebody asked me, “What are your two greatest accomplishments about being a physician for almost 50 years?” Because they knew I was in my early 70s, and it immediately came back to me, Steve, I said, “My greatest accomplishments was the discovery of coenzyme Q10 and the essence of earthing or grounding on the heart.”
CoQ10 and Earthing
And basically they’re both connected. In other words, when we put our bare feet on the ground or when we take in foods that contain CoQ10, like migratory salmon or sardines or organ meats or beef, for example, contains a lot of CoQ10. But when we put those substances in our mouth and we ground at the same time, CoQ10 and earthing are very potent electron donors. In other words, these are electron donors and that’s what the body needs. See, people take handfuls of vitamins and minerals. Why? The reason why is because they are antioxidants, they’re electron donors. Now, you can take these electron donors in foods or in antioxidants, and CoQ10 is the most powerful electron donor I know. And you can also get electrons from walking bare feet at the beach or on the grass, not on asphalt because that’s the man made. But you know, on tile, for example, or concrete, or basically grass.
Walking bare feet on mother earth, you’re going to absorb all these electrons. We call it a Schumann resonance. That occurs from lightning strikes and solar sun flares and everything else. But basically, when it comes to medicine, I used to call it God’s simple cures basically. CoQ10, whether you’re eating migratory salmon or sardines or foods fortified with CoQ10, like I mentioned before, like organ meats, et cetera, et cetera, or getting electrons from walking bare feet on the earth, these are simple maneuvers that people can do. And basically these are anti-aging maneuvers and these maneuvers can help reduce the relentless inflammation that we have in our bodies.
So when it comes to CoQ10, I am all in. This is my number one go-to nutrient. I like to get it from the food supply. I also take it as a targeted nutritional supplement because this is the one that will prevent the inexorable ravages of aging that we all go through from day to day.
Dr. Hotze: Now, in what form do you recommend the coenzyme Q10? We use ubiquinol here. I’m not sure…we’re told that that’s the most active and the best to use, but it may not be that critical. What’s your thought?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, if you have a high-quality ubiquinone, and I’ve done research on ubiquinones, and if you have a high-quality ubiquinone, this is as good, if not even better, than a high-quality ubiquinol. I will say this, all ubiquinols are good. There’s no doubt about it. The ubiquinones, especially if they have a high quality, is equally as good. I published a paper in one of the journals because I did a study on ubiquinol versus ubiquinone and basically I had a long-distance runner who had a problem on ubiquinol and I had a very famous Connecticut woman weightlifter who had a problem on ubiquinol as well.
Dr. Hotze: What do you mean they had a problem? What kind of problem?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: They had dreadful fatigue. In other words, I did a double-blind crossover trial and basically certain people on ubiquinol, for some reason, they don’t do well. You don’t hear this in the advertising, but a person like myself who does clinical research, I’ve seen it firsthand. So basically, when you’re buying ubiquinol, you’re buying a good product. There’s no doubt about it. All ubiquinols are good.
But ubiquinol is much more expensive than even the highest quality ubiquinones, and the ubiquinones that we use in healthy directions, and I’ve tested them, I’ve done blood levels on them, I feel strongly about, because look, as a heart specialist, Steve, I recommend 200, 300, 400, 500 milligrams of CoQ10 a day. I’ve had patients go literally broke financially taking CoQ10.
So when it comes to taking a CoQ10, I prefer the most advanced form of CoQ10, but the least expensive at the same time, because as physicians, we have to be privy to the costs. And you know as well as I do, pharmaceuticals sometimes can be priced through the roof.
Dr. Hotze: Outrageous.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: The same thing is true of nutraceuticals. So basically, we use a high-quality ubiquinone that’s a lot less expensive and I feel it’s really superior.
Dr. Hotze: Now you use ubiquinone over ubiquinol, or vice versa? Explain that again.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, remember this, ubiquinone and ubiquinol, they’re a change in the body immediately. In other words, ubiquinol is reduced from a CoQ10 and ubiquinone is the oxidized form, but they both are interchanged back and forth. Now, does ubiquinol have an advantage in people? Yes, it does. And I want you to get this.
In inborn errors of metabolism, these rare congenital disorders like McArdle syndrome, Friedreich’s ataxia. In other words, these situations where we have defective mitochondria. I believe that ubiquinol may have an advantage, and I want to use the word “may.” So when I see children with inborn errors of metabolism as a heart specialist, or Friedreich’s ataxia, I will choose ubiquinol over ubiquinone because it may take a little more energy to convert it in the body and these children are starving for energy, so in that population with these congenital horrific inborn errors of metabolism, I will choose ubiquinol even over Tishcon’s high-quality ubiquinone, which I use. But that’s less than 1/10th of a percent of the population. In the 99 plus percentage of the population, I use a high-quality ubiquinone.
Dr. Hotze: I got you. And so what other supplements, vitamins or minerals, are in your regimen or armor? What would be the top four or five besides ubiquinol?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Basically, if you want to talk about heart failure, when you and I were both in medical school, and we’re probably around the same age, you probably heard what I heard. The five-year survival of heart failure was worse than cancer. And that’s what our professors taught us back in the early 70s in medical school. When I started using CoQ10 in the early 80s, that completely reversed. Steve, it was like a miracle. When I was seeing people waiting for heart transplants, whether they were adults or even children, and I’ve treated dozens and dozens of children who are waiting for heart transplants. I mean, I had patients crying in my office with their nine-year-old suffering from heart failure because they couldn’t match his heart and it was a race against time. And I would treat these children with CoQ10.
I did have the luxury of having L-carnitine at the same time and magnesium. I didn’t learn about D-Ribose until about, actually it was back in 2004 when I learned it from another board-certified cardiologist, Dr. Jim Roberts. Roberts, who was the co-author of Reverse Heart Disease Now. When I was sitting in the audience, actually it was at the [inaudible], Steve, I had about 10-15% failures with CoQ10, magnesium, and L-carnitine. But when I learned about D-Ribose, that was the sort of secret sauce that blended everything together, so I was really indebted to Dr. Jim Roberts, another board-certified cardiologist, he brought them to my attention almost 20 years ago. And since I started using D-Ribose in combination with CoQ10, magnesium, and L-carnitine, I call that the awesome foursome and what that does Steve, and our listeners should be privy to this, what it does, it drives energy into the right direction.
In other words, it drives a production of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Now listen, it’s all about energy when it comes to the heart. Even prehistoric man realized that life depended upon a pulsating heart. So you want to get the heart to pulsate. You want a good ejection fraction. You want a strong heartbeat. And what the awesome foursome does, it drives the ATP, adenosine triphosphate into the direction and basically somebody smarter than me is going to discover this, but I have a feeling that when you drive ATP, you’re communicating with maybe the exosomes in your body or the chemical messages in your body that’s turning on your intrinsic stem cells.
Remember, we all have intrinsic stem cells. They’re in our fat cells. They’re in our liver. And with the stem cell revolution, which occurred over the last 20 years, these chemical messages that are induced by the awesome foursome are communicating and we’re developing new heart cells. Steve, this is amazing, but I have patients living with heart failure with severely damaged hearts from heart attack, 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, because remember, you can regenerate the heart. You know, doctors know this. Look, we regenerate our blood cells every 120 days. We make new blood cells from the bone marrow. We regenerate our epithelium in our nose and our mouth every three days. We regenerate our intestinal epithelium maybe once a week in our GI tract.
Well guess what? We also regenerate our heart cells, believe it or not. In other words, we can get cardiac regeneration. And when I read this article in the science journal about 10 or 15 years ago, oh my God, Steve, I had this incredible nirvana where I realized why my people were living and why my congenital hearts who were dying, and I put them on the awesome foursome, now I realized why they were living because I have a feeling the ATP and the exosomes in the body are communicating with our intrinsic stem cells to form new what we call myosites, or new heart cells.
Just like we form new red blood cells, we can form new heart cells. So if we have a degenerative heart or a heart compromised by a heart attack and we lose half our heart from damage to the heart, we can regenerate that heart with the awesome foursome and that to me is the greatest discovery in my lifetime and that’s the legacy hopefully I can leave when I pass from this planet.
Dr. Hotze: Well, this is really a key, these four particular nutraceutical products, coenzyme Q10 in the form of ubiquinol, L-carnitine, and minimally a healthy person in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, that’s healthy, what would you put them on ubiquinol? 200 milligrams a day, 300, 400 milligrams?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well actually, again, I use ubiquinone because again, it’s less expensive and it’s a very, very high quality, so I just want to set the record straight. For a healthy person, a healthy person over the age of 40, I like about 100 milligrams of a good quality ubiquinol or ubiquinone. Any compromised individual, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, angina, valvular disease, heart failure, I like to double it, at least go to 150 to 200 milligrams. And then in anybody waiting for a heart transplant or severe heart failure, if 200 milligrams doesn’t afford these people a good quality of life, I’ll even go higher to 300 or 400 milligrams.
Remember Steve, in the old days, we would measure blood levels like digoxin in people’s blood. We’d measure ACE inhibitors in the blood. And we’d measure different drugs in the blood. Well, we could measure also CoQ10 in the bloodstream. I presented papers at the CoQ10 symposium in Kona, Italy over 10 years ago where I showed these patients who had refractory heart failure, who did not really recover until they bumped their blood levels of CoQ10 up to seven times normal. So in other words, a normal blood level of CoQ10 can be 0.6 or 0.7, but sometimes we got to go to 3.5 and above to really see a therapeutic difference. And in my sickest patients, I would have to drive the blood level that high. So just like we did with digoxin and ACE inhibitors and we measured potassium in the blood and magnesium in the blood, the same thing is true of coenzyme Q10.
So if I had a failure, the first thing I would do, in other words if a patient didn’t respond clinically, I would test their blood level. If their blood level was low, I would certainly get their blood level up to a respectable level and mostly, a hundred percent of the time, I saw a therapeutic effect.
Dr. Hotze: Now L-carnitine is another nutraceutical product you use and L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps convert fat intracellularly into energy. It brings the fat into the mitochondria. So what sort of dose do you use on that?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, I used to use large doses until I realized that some people with thyroid disease and high-dose carnitine, there was a connection. So I started to reduce the doses. Then this whole thing came out about this TMAO hypothesis, which I think is a hypothesis. Nobody has really proved it. It’s sort of an interesting aspect of looking at heart disease from the TMAO metabolites in the gut, which come from fish, unfortunately. We used to think that fish was not only brain food, but it’s good for the heart, but basically, some of these TMAO derivatives were thrown under the bus and carnitine was one of them. I mean, the Cleveland Clinic has produced data showing in the meta analysis that carnitine is superior in patients with cardiomyopathy and angina because it does so many good things for the heart.
Does it raise TMAO? Yes, it does because it comes from animal flesh. But when it comes to carnitine, what I’ve realized over my growth and development as a cardiologist, is that less is more. So in other words, when I used to use two and three grams, now I’m down to 500 milligrams to up to a gram, gram and a half, because I realized even small doses of carnitine, we get a lot of bang for our buck. And remember this Steve, you mentioned it, carnitine is like a shuttle. It shuttles in not only free fats to be burned. See people don’t realize this, but fat is the energy for the heart. Remember glucose is the energy for the brain. Sugar is the energy for the brain. But fat is the energy for the heart. And basically that’s how we develop ATP, basically more from fat molecules as opposed to sugar.
So when we use carnitine, we’re not only shuttling in these free fatty acids, like a ferry boat, but we’re shuttling out the toxic byproducts of the metabolized fat. So carnitine acts like a shuttle and that’s why we call it the carnitine shuttle and even small doses, I’ve even had some of my patients improve on 100 milligrams a day. And so you can go 100 milligrams up to 250, up to 500, even more, but it works wonderfully with CoQ10, D-Ribose, and magnesium. And remember D-Ribose is the center of the ATP molecule and magnesium basically is the glue that holds everything together because magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body. So that’s why I call it the awesome foursome, because I believe that this magical four nutrients, they’ll drive ATP, the ATP communicates with some perhaps exosomes or other chemical cytokines in the body that turn on our intrinsic stem cells to form new cells. So that’s the sort of the Sinatra hypothesis in cardiac regeneration.
Dr. Hotze: Right. So in magnesium, what form do you use? Citrate? Glycinate?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: I use glycinate, citrate, orotate. Orotate’s my favorite varietal. I was at a CoQ10 conference, again about a decade ago, when these Australian cardiovascular surgeons were using the orotate. Steve, do you remember this years ago when some of our surgeons used to try to add substances like potassium to the heart-lung machine to drive ATP? One of those was magnesium orotate. Magnesium orotate was used by these thoracic surgeons to get people off heart-lung bypass because magnesium orotate drives ATP even better than magnesium citrate or glycinate, or taurate for that matter. That’s why I started to use magnesium orotate in my broad-spectrum magnesium formula that Healthy Directions produces for me.
Dr. Hotze: How many milligrams of magnesium do you like to give routinely?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Well, routinely I like about 400 to 600. I tell patients that magnesium, some people can get a bowel cleansing effect, like milk of magnesia. Remember milk of magnesia that our mothers used to give us? Steve, was mostly magnesium oxide, which stimulates the bowel. Now there’s no magnesium oxide in my broad-spectrum magnesium, but basically magnesium is magnesium and if you take a lot of it, you can get a stimulatory effect to the large bowel and get a bowel cleansing effect as well.
Dr. Hotze: Right, if you take that with large amounts of vitamin C, you’ll have clean bowels the rest of your life, I promise you.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Exactly. That’s not a bad thing by the way.
Dr. Hotze: No, it’s not. And finally, on your D-Ribose, how do you dose that?
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: Yes. I generally tell people to take like a level teaspoon, which is five grams, either two to three times a day. If you have mitral valve prolapse or hypertension or angina, maybe one teaspoon a day. If you have a little bit of heart failure, maybe mild heart failure, two teaspoons a day. For any moderate to severe heart failure, three teaspoons a day, or if you’re compromised with a poor quality of life, because remember, D-Ribose will support that production of ATP and that’s what you really need. And I really like D-Ribose. Even in my congenital patients, like I mentioned before, it has made a serious impact in their lives.
Steve, I have had so many congenital kids that refused heart transplants as adults, even later in their teenagehood, because they had such a good quality of life on the awesome foursome that…and I’m talking about far advanced heart diseases. I’m talking about singlet outlet left ventricles, tetralogy of fallot. I’m talking about the worst cases of congenital heart disease. And I believe, again, the awesome foursome is redirecting our stem cells into creating new cardiomyocytes and developing actually a new heart, so to speak.
Dr. Hotze: That is wonderful information to receive from you and I hope that this is really an encouragement to each one of you out there. Now, this fearsome foursome of ubiquinone, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, magnesium and D-Ribose isn’t just for people with heart disease or people with congestive heart failure. It’s for you. You want to be on a regimen and you may not need to be on as much obviously as somebody who has severe cardiovascular disease or heart failure, but if you take this on a regular basis, it will do the same thing its doing for these people. It will help you build new heart cells. It will keep your heart functioning healthy. Now remember, the most important thing you can do, two important things you want to maintain to have good health, you want to have good energy level production in your heart.
You’ve read Tenet’s stuff, I’m sure, on voltage. The key thing is most people, as you age, as we age, our voltage production goes down. Voltage is a measurement of electricity. Every cell in your body has a power plant. It’s called the mitochondria. If you think back in your biology in high school. It’s a power plant. That power plant produces electrical current. That electrical current is really formed into molecule ATP, adenosine triphosphate, which you can remember from biology if you took it in college.
So that adenosine triphosphate contains the electrons, the electricity, that drives all the biochemical processes in your cells. And if your cells are healthy, then your organs are healthy and if your organs are healthy, you’re healthy. So you want to have good energy production. Instead of being a low-voltage individual, you want to be a high-voltage individual. You want to be the life of the party. And this is the aging process, as you age, you may change your eating habits, your hormone levels go down, your thyroid hormones, your sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and you don’t get the vitamins and minerals you need because the food you’re eating is basically just crap. It’s the American diet and you’re eating that and you’re unhealthy.
You may, on top of that, have allergies, which we haven’t discussed, but allergies adversely affect your immune system and drain your immune system and make you unhealthy. And when your body is unhealthy, you end up going to the doctor and the doctor wants to treat your symptoms with a bunch of drugs and medication rather than nutritional support with foods and with vitamins and minerals. And so he puts you on a bunch of drugs, which are toxic, and you get sicker quicker, as Sherry Rogers has said, and you go downhill. And that’s why we see so many people, and I know Dr. Sinatra has seen it in his practice, people come in with all kinds of medications from doctors when they have these various problems, and they have them on anti-depressants, anti-psychotic drugs. They have them on anti-anxiety drugs, sleep medications, a host of pot full of medications, which do not address the underlying problem.
The key is you have to have a good healthy heart. Your heart enables your body to produce energy. Why? Because it circulates the blood. Why is the blood important? Because it contains oxygen. You have to have oxygen getting into your power plants and your mitochondria to produce energy, have to produce energy to be healthy. So the whole goal is to produce good energy, have a healthy heart. That’s by cutting out all the junk food that you’re eating this causing inflammation and adding to your eating program good healthy oils, good healthy fats, and good healthy green vegetables, the fresher the better. You can eat them fresh. I like to eat them in the form of salad. If you’re going to cook them, just blanch them and eat some good healthy meat. Grain-fed beef is good.
You know, get yourself some wild salmon. Don’t eat this fish that’s grown on a farm. That’s not good for you. Eat wild fish. That’ll be good for you. And eat the chicken that you range out on a farm. You can get those eggs. Eat that way and you’re going to be healthy. Eat less folks. Don’t eat more, eat less. You don’t have to eat three square meals a day. That’s just bull. My dog, who is five and a half years old, my wife feeds that dog, who’s a retriever, silver retriever, Labrador, feeds it once a day. All that dog eats is dried bison beef once a day. He’s thin, he’s trim. He’s muscular. He’s got energy. He does all. He’s active. I watched how she fed him years ago and I said, you know what, there’s no reason I need to eat two or three meals a day. One meal today is fine. And that is called intermittent fasting. And we haven’t talked about that doctor, but that’s what we promote here.
Intermittent fasting. Eat once a day. In fact, my wife and I, over the last week, normally starting on Sunday night we have a light meal. We don’t eat again until Tuesday night. So it’s been two days. Am I hungry? Not a bit. I hadn’t been hungry in two days. I have Bulletproof coffee in the morning and that’s pretty much it. I’m off and running. So you have to train yourself to eat less and when you do eat, eat healthy. And then take the awesome foursome of Dr. Sinatra. Take your ubiquinol, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, magnesium and D-Ribose. These are absolutely critical for cardiovascular function.
On top of that, I do want to recommend high doses of vitamin C. I’m a Linus Pauling fan and I’ve followed him for years and his associate, Dr. Matthias Rath, indicated and showed through their studies the importance of vitamin C. We don’t make vitamin C. All the mammals in God’s creation make vitamin C except for humans, monkeys and Guinea pigs and they make on the average of 1,000 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight. I recommend to all our guests 1,000 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, take 6,000 milligrams a day. I happen to be a Linus Pauling fan. I take on the order of 20,000 milligrams a day, and I’ve taken 10,000 milligrams a day since I first heard Linus Pauling speak in 1990.
And when you look at my coronary arteries on a heart scan, there’s no atherosclerosis at all and at 71 years of age, that’s rare. So vitamin C is very important. And then I also recommend for your immune system high doses of vitamin D3. And this is important because this is what really stimulates a good immune system health and it’s been shown in people with viral diseases, people that have had high levels of vitamin D either don’t contract the disease, or when they contract it, have mild cases. People with very low levels of vitamin D tend to have severe problems and severe cases.
So vitamin D3 can help protect you against the flu and help protect you against a respiratory illness. And I recommend on most of our guests minimally 10,000 international units a day. I take 30,000 a day and I can barely get my level up where I want it around 80 to 90. It won’t hardly get there. So you have to measure it. Get your doctor to measure your vitamin D levels. But most conventional doctors will say, “Well, take 2,000 a day.” That’ll never get you where you need to be. Almost every guest we see here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center has low levels of vitamin D. They’re always down in the low range, 30 to 40, and the range of 30 to 100 and I still think that range is way low to begin with, but you want to get it above 70 nanograms per ML. That’s where you want to get it.
So, get it measured at your doctor’s office, and that can help prevent you getting viral illnesses. You say, “Why do you need vitamin D?” Because all of us are sitting inside. Most of us work inside. We’re not working outside. We rarely go outside and get enough sun. When do you do that? And in the winter, it’s worse, especially up north. Big problems with low vitamin D up north. So those are some things that you can do to keep yourself healthy.
On top of that, get a good night’s sleep and do some form of exercise. And you don’t have to run a marathon. Get out and walk. And as Dr. Sinatra reminds us, ground. That means take your shoes off, take your socks off, get out and walk in the dirt, walk on the beach and that has an antioxidant effect on your body and it will help neutralize. We’re made up of electrical currents and we want to neutralize it. We don’t want to have any abnormal molecules racing around that are oxidants and have an oxidative effect on our bodies like oxygen does on the top of steel when it rusts. That’s oxidation. Well, we don’t want our bodies to oxidize. That’s why we put medications in it like coenzyme Q10 and like vitamin C and others, and why we ground, so we have the antioxidant effect.
And those are some very important points that are takeaways from this conversation with Dr. Stephen Sinatra. So Dr. Sinatra, I appreciate your being here with us and just re-emphasizing the fundamentals of good health and notice, we didn’t tell you to take any drugs, folks. We didn’t recommend one pharmaceutical agent at all. So this is why I love having Dr. Sinatra on because he’s here telling you natural things that you can do to be healthy and I would highly recommend that you follow his recommendations. If you do that, you’re going to have good heart health and I recommend, of all the books you have, I think Reverse Heart Disease Now is really critical even if you don’t have heart disease. If you see how you can reverse it, then you can see how you can prevent it. Heart disease is preventable folks.
You don’t have to die of heart disease. You don’t. You can prevent it and you can prevent it through proper habits that you develop. Habits in what you eat and what you exercise and vitamin and mineral supplementation, all these. And we didn’t even get into the psychological effects that you can have on your heart. The positive benefits you can have of meditation, of prayer, reading the scriptures, being at peace with God and with man, all those things are very important for heart health. And that’s another topic for another day. So Dr. Sinatra, thank you again for joining us. You were tremendous and I appreciate you. You got me fired up.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra: That’s great, Steve. That was a great conclusion. And yes, maybe we can do a program on meditation, prayer and grounding. And by the way, my next book is Get Grounded, Get Well. That’ll be coming out probably in around six months to a year, and we should really talk about earthing and grounding more because there’s more and more exciting stuff coming out on that.
Dr. Hotze: Right. Last time you were here, we talked about that and I had read about it. I saw some doctor on YouTube somewhere talking about it and then I saw that you were involved in grounding and so I was very, very interested in that. We need to do a program on that. So again, thank you for joining us today. Thank each one of you for joining us today and we wish you every success in life, and we hope you have a life that’s full of health and happiness. God bless each one of you. Thank you for joining us.
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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.
Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.
Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?
Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.
At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.
Meet our doctors"At 36, I felt like I was 90 – exhausted, depressed, and cold all the time, and now I have a life of energy, focus, restored libido, and a renewed desire to be present with my family!”
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