Discover the Secret to Improving Libido After a Hysterectomy

October 18, 2017

How to Improve Low libido After a Hysterectomy

Ladies, did your doctor tell you that a hysterectomy would solve all your health problems?  Well, you may have learned the hard way, or from other women, that this is in fact not the case.  Besides a whole new set of symptoms after a hysterectomy, which throws you into menopause, you may also experience loss of libido.  This is very common and many women want to learn how to improve libido after a hysterectomy.

Low libido refers to a lack of sexual desire, and can be caused by numerous factors such as disease, fatigue, depression, relationship problems, hormonal imbalance and even by prescription drug side effects, as happens with birth control pills. But there’s one thing that most people don’t associate with a woman’s low libido, and that’s low testosterone.

What Changes after a Hysterectomy to Cause Low Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone is primarily known as the male sex hormone, however women also make it in their ovaries and adrenal glands in smaller amounts.   If you’re wondering what testosterone has to do with a woman’s interest in sex, the answer is: everything. Testosterone is a natural female libido enhancer. Did you know that in women who are of reproductive age, levels of testosterone peak at ovulation, thus stimulating a woman’s desire for sex? No wonder testosterone is crucial to a woman’s libido.   About one-half of a woman’s testosterone is produced in, you guessed it: her ovaries. So when women undergo a total hysterectomy, they immediately lose 50% percent of their circulating testosterone.   Now you can see how having your ovaries removed during a hysterectomy can decrease your sex drive.  Barbara is a perfect example of this.

Barbara’s Story – Life After a Hysterectomy

My story begins when I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 42, requiring me to take conventional hormonal therapy. The following ten years were all downhill for me while changing from one conventional hormone therapy to another. None of the conventional therapies would work for me. Needless to say, during this ten year period I was experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain and migraines. The word “SEX” was not in my vocabulary, nor was I thinking about sex. 

“I Got My Life Back” the day of my appointment with Dr. Hotze, with my husband loving me enough to make the appointment. Dr. Hotze treated each symptom with all natural compounded medicines that actually worked where the conventional hormonal therapy did not.   I lost 40 pounds, my migraines stopped, and my moodswings, hot flashes, and night sweats went away. I am sleeping well again and have an abundance of energy. Guess what! “SEX” is now in my vocabulary, I am not homebound and my husband is loving it, as well as having his wife back.  We can’t thank or repay Dr. Hotze enough for what he has done for me, which is “Giving Me My Life Back”.

Your Testosterone Levels Can Still Fall Even if You Haven’t Had a Hysterectomy

As women age, their level of testosterone begins to decline.  Women who experience estrogen dominance, an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen, suffer from low testosterone. When a woman becomes estrogen dominant, she begins to experience cycles without ovulation and therefore misses out on the accompanying elevation in testosterone that normally comes with ovulation.   To make matters worse, estrogen dominance increases the liver’s production of sex-hormone binding globulins. These sex-hormone binding goblins attach to the small amount of testosterone in circulation effectively preventing testosterone from entering the cells.

How to Improve Low libido After a Hysterectomy

The key to improving low libido after a hysterectomy is to supplement with bioidentical testosterone to restore hormone levels to those of a healthy young woman. At the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, we identify the cause of your symptoms and help you restore your health naturally.  We specialize in bioidentical hormones that are identical to the hormones made by your body – such as bioidentical testosterone.  It’s simply a matter of replacing what’s missing. Taking charge of your health will help not only improve your libido, but restore your energy and vitality.


Related Articles
What Every Woman Should Know About Menopause Treatment
Menopause After a Hysterectomy – Joy’s Story
Where Oh Where Did My Libido Go: How Hormone Decline Causes Low Libido


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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?

Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.

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