Why You Should Avoid Fluoride

January 22, 2018

Dr. Hotze reveals compelling reasons why you why you should avoid fluoride to protect your health.

Podcast Highlights 

1:14: In America today, 70% of the population is overweight.

2:36: Because fluoride adversely affects your body’s ability to properly manufacture or produce thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland, and it also adversely affects your body’s ability or your cells ability to convert the inactive thyroid hormone, which is the predominant thyroid hormone made by the thyroid gland, which is T4.

4:55: So, fluoride is a problem because it poisons the enzyme that enables you to make active thyroid hormone within your cells. It also inhibits the thyroid gland from properly producing thyroid hormones because it competes fluoride, which is the negative ion of fluorine. 

5:48: So we get fluoride in our water and 70% of the population in the United States drinks fluoridated water. Now, let me give you another comparison, another statistic. Currently, in Europe today, 16% of the people are overweight, 8% are obese. That harkens back to the United States back in the 1960’s when 16% were overweight and 8% obese.

7:06: In Europe, they ban fluoridated water in the continent. Almost every major country bans fluoride in the water and the United States, on the other hand, it’s put into the water in the United States. So why would they do that?

9:24: Fluoride is toxic. It’s a toxin. That means it’s a poison. Why would you put a poison in your body? 

10:20: And fluoride, as I told you, is a toxin, it causes a host of health problems. Not only does it poison the enzymes when you make thyroid hormone in your gland, but it also adversely affects your ability to take the inactive thyroid T4 and convert it into the active thyroid hormone T3. 

11:49: Look at your Crest or your Colgate, or whatever toothpaste you’re using. And there’s a warning box on the toothpaste and the warning box says this. “Do not let anyone under six years of age use this.” And secondly, if you swallow what’s on your toothbrush, call poison control, or get medical help immediately. 

14:04:  You’ll find that you’ll find fluoride in some food products and other home products. 

14:25: Your take away from this is that fluoride in the water is a common cause of low thyroid in individuals.

Podcast Transcription 

Stacey B.: Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. This is Stacey Bandfield here with Dr. Steven Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. Just a reminder today-

Dr. Hotze: I’ve just found it today. I just walked around and there it was. The Hotze Health & Wellness Center!

Stacey B.: That’s right. And that makes you a founder.

Dr. Hotze: I’m the founder.

Stacey B.: Congratulations. And also founder of the podcast. So all you have to do is go to hotzepodcast.com. That’s H-O-T-Z-E podcast dot com to download all of our podcast programs.

So there is something seriously lurking in your water. You may have heard about it, however, you may not know how much it can affect you negatively, your health. So a very important topic today. We are talking about fluoride. Fluoride in the water.

Dr. Hotze: Right, you know, in America today, 70% of the population is overweight. Those of you listening, in the audience, or watching here on YouTube…by the way, if you’re watching on YouTube, you can subscribe right away. So be sure to do that. For those of you listening or watching, I know that 70% of you have a weight problem. And half of you who have a weight problem are obese. That’s the statistics in America. 70% overweight, 35% obese. That’s a lot of people carrying around a lot of excess weight. In the early 1960’s, the statistics were a lot different. 16% of the people were overweight and 8% of the population were obese. What’s happened over the last 50, nearly 60 years, to cause this huge weight gain in our population? And I will tell you that the problem is, in my opinion, and I think I’ve done enough studying and reading that  2:27: I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s fluoride in the water that has led to weight gain.

You go how in the world would fluoride make you gain weight? Fluoride can’t make you gain weight. Because fluoride adversely affects your body’s ability to properly manufacture or produce thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland, and it also adversely affects your body’s ability or your cells ability to convert the inactive thyroid hormone, which is the predominant thyroid hormone made by the thyroid gland, which is T4. My hands of the thyroid molecule, my four fingers sticking up would be the four iodine atoms. Thyroid has iodine. You’ve got to have iodine to make thyroid hormones. And the inactive thyroid hormone has four iodine atoms. It enters the cells of your body, of which you have about 40 trillion, and there, and enzyme called deiodinase, which means to take off an iodine, an enzyme that strips an iodine off the thyroid does just that. It converts T4, the thyroid with four iodine atoms, to T3.

That’s the active thyroid hormone that has three iodine atoms, and that active thyroid hormone then activates the power plants within your cells, which are called the mitochondria. It enables the cells to produce electrical energy, which is then transported through a mechanism called ATP, adenosine triphosphate, carries these electrons to the biochemical processes that need the energy. So your cells can function well and your organs can function well, so you’re healthy. So thyroid hormone enables your mitochondria, or your power plants, to produce higher levels of energy.

So you’ve got two ways you can live your life. You can either live it with low energy, which means you’re going to have a low metabolism, which means you’re going to gain weight. Or you’re going to have high energy production and you’re not going to have all the health problems that people experience. You’re going to have good metabolism. You’re going to think clearly. You’re going to look sharp. You’re going to be a good ideal body weight. You’re going to have get up and go. You’re going to have vim and vigor. Your heart’s going to work well. You’re not going to have diabetes. Your joints are going to work well. You’re going to feel fine when you produce energy within your cells.

So, fluoride is a problem because it poisons the enzyme that enables you to make active thyroid hormone within your cells. It also inhibits the thyroid gland from properly producing thyroid hormones because it competes fluoride, which is the negative ion of fluorine. And if you go back to chemistry, go back to your periodic table with all the different elements, there are 120 or 30 some odd elements, there’s a class called halogens. And in the halogens, you have chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine and several others. They’re all halogens. And the halogens compete with one another in our body system. So we get fluoride in our water and 70% of the population in the United States drinks fluoridated water. Now, let me give you another comparison, another statistic. Currently, in Europe today, 16% of the people are overweight, 8% are obese. That harkens back to the United States back in the 1960’s when 16% were overweight and 8% obese.

Why is it in the United States, that we have this huge weight gain, but we don’t have it in Europe? You could say “well, we eat all this junk food,” right? We’re eating McDonald’s, we’re eating pizza and pasta and rolls and Twinkies and all that sort of stuff. We’re eating a lot of sugar and we’re just eating junk food. That’s why we’re big and fat. Well, you go over to Europe, let me tell you what. They eat a ton of pasta. I guarantee you. And pizza in Italy. If you’ve been to France, you don’t get a bread basket on your table. They bring a bread cart with loads of bread. They drink wine by the gallons. They use olive oil all over your…I mean, these people eat horribly. But they’re not big and fat. Guess what the one difference is? In Europe, they ban fluoridated water in the continent. Almost every major country bans fluoride in the water and the United States, on the other hand, it’s put into the water in the United States. So why would they do that?

Stacey B.: It’s a racket is what it is.

Dr. Hotze: It’s a racket, and what they say is “well, it helps prevent cavities.” Oh, if that were true, and it’s not, if it were true…okay, so to prevent cavities, we’re going to poison our thyroid hormone, which governs our body metabolism, so we can be sick. When you’re overweight… Those of you who are overweight, you know what problems that’s associated with. An increased risk of high blood pressure. 

Stacey B.: Diabetes.

Dr. Hotze: Diabetes. Which leads to heart disease and strokes, kidney disorders. You get degenerative arthritis. You get a host of health problems when you’re overweight. Increased risk of cancer when you’re overweight or obese. And what I’m telling you is that it’s the fluoride in the water that is having an adverse affect on your health. Now you go “my dentist puts it on my teeth when I go there.” My dentist does, too, and I say “no thank you.” In fact, I wrote him a note, my dentist, and said “why in the world, with all the scientific information about fluoride toxicity, why in the world would you put it on somebody’s teeth? Particularly since it affects their thyroid function?

History of Fluoride

So here’s what happened. Back in the 1950’s, the fertilizer companies used to spray fluoride when making their phosphate fertilizer, the fluoride was a byproduct and it would be spewed out at the mills through the smoke stacks. And what they found, and this happened in Florida first, they found within about a four or five mile radius, the crops didn’t grow, the animals got sick, they died. And so the EPA at that time came in and said “You can’t be spewing this. You’re going to have to scrub the brushes and you can’t spew it into the environment.”

So now, by the way, fluoride is toxic. It’s a toxin. That means it’s a poison. Why would you put a poison in your body? So what they did is they had to take the fluoride and then they would have to dispose of it, which cost a lot of money. Well, it turns out that some scientist somewhere went to an area of the country that had fluoride levels that were high and found out well the kids have lower incidence of cavities. Ah. He sold the idea to the fertilizer companies and said “You know what? Why don’t we take this toxin and we’ll sell it to the cities and tell them it’ll keep the kids from getting cavities?”

So, when I was growing up back in the 60’s, there was a huge debate on whether or not there would be fluoride in the water. And 70% of the municipalities in the country decided yes, we’re going to add fluoride to the water. And fluoride, as I told you, is a toxin, it causes a host of health problems. Not only does it poison the enzymes when you make thyroid hormone in your gland, but it also adversely affects your ability to take the inactive thyroid T4 and convert it into the active thyroid hormone T3.

Why You Should Avoid Fluoride

  • It inhibits your pituitary gland from governing the thyroid hormone.
  • It displaces iodine, which you need to produce thyroid hormones.
  • It leads to brittle bones, arthritis, and increased risk of bone cancer.
  • It can cause poor development of the baby in the womb.
  • It increases infertility and damages sperm cells in men.
  • It can lead to brain damage.
  • It can lead to problems with the teeth, discoloration and brittle teeth.
  • It can lead to cardiovascular disease.
  • It can cause dementia.
  • It’s a mutagen. That means it causes genetic damage that can lead to the production of cancer.

Is Your Toothpaste Toxic?

Now, all you have to do to know that what I’m telling you is the truth is look at the Material Safety Data Sheet that’s put out by the federal government. It’s called the MSDS. Go and look. Google it. And look up fluoride and just see that it is a known toxin. Now what’s really odd…what’s on the side of your toothpaste, folks, you look at it. You look at your Crest or your Colgate, or whatever toothpaste you’re using. And there’s a warning box on the toothpaste and the warning box says this. “Do not let anyone under six years of age use this.” And secondly, if you swallow what’s on your toothbrush, call poison control, or get medical help immediately. Now why in the world…why is that? Because there’s fluoride in it. There’s fluoride in it and it’s a toxin. Why would we put a toxin in toothpaste? You can buy non-fluoridated toothpaste. Here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in our vitamin store, we sell Spry, S-P-R-Y, which is not fluoridated, and there’s no warning label on the toothpaste.

Drink Filtered Water

Also, so here’s what you need to do. You need to get fluoride out of your life and the first and foremost place you get it is in your tap water. So what you need to do is get some filter system. Whether you buy a filter that you pour your water into or whether you get reverse osmosis underneath the sink. In our home, we filter the water coming into the home, to filter out the chlorine, as well as the fluoride and other petrochemical toxins in the water. And then we double filter it with reverse osmosis, for drinking water. I’ve done studies on this and sent it off to the lab. Regular tap water, versus the tap water in my house that has reverse osmosis and regular tap water that you are drinking that hasn’t been filtered is full of petrochemicals, is full of chlorine, which is a halogen, which also adversely affects thyroid function, and fluoride, which adversely affects your ability to utilize your thyroid hormones.

When I take it out of the reverse osmosis, it’s clean as a whistle. So you’ve got to drink filtered water. I don’t mean water out of a bottle, a plastic bottle, because it’s full of all kinds of plasticizers and petrochemicals that are leeched out of the plastic. So you’re not doing yourself a favor if you’re drinking plastic bottled water. Get yourself a filter system, cut out your toothpaste. Those are the two biggest places. And you’ll find that you’ll find fluoride in some food products and other home products. So you’ll want to eliminate your exposure to that. If you do that, that will be a dramatic help on your thyroid function within your cells and your ability to produce thyroid in the gland.

So, your take away from this is that fluoride in the water is a common cause of low thyroid in individuals. That’s why when I look around in the population, I see scads of hypothyroid individuals and you’re one of them. And you’ve gone to your doctor, and they’ve done blood tests. “Your thyroid’s in the normal range.” Well, everybody’s in the normal range, essentially, because the way the labs define what’s normal is they take a average of the last thousand people that had their blood tested, and most of them are older folks like me. You don’t have a bunch of young kids checking their thyroid. It’s all people that are midlife or later. So they take the average, and then they have a statistical term called standard deviations. So two standard deviations and they call that wide range the lab normal. It encompasses 95% of the people.

Symptoms of Low Thyroid Function

I believe this. If you have the symptoms of hypothyroidism, you deserve a therapeutic trial of thyroid. Your blood tests don’t tell you, in and of itself, the TSH doesn’t tell you that you have low thyroid within your cells. What tells you that is your symptoms and your clinical symptoms of course are going to be significant loss of energy. In most cases, it can be difficulty with weight. It can also be not only weight, but inability to focus and think clearly. Low body temperature. Should be 98.6. We find it 97.6, 97.2, 96.8, and the low 96’s, in most of our guests when they come in.

Also, poor sleep habits, join muscle aches and pains, bowel functions not good. If you have significant hypothyroidism, in fact, you can be constipated. That’s a classical feature of hypothyroidism. If you’ve been on a lot of antibiotics, you could have irritable bowel syndrome because you’ve knocked out the normal flow and you’ve got yeast overgrowth and that’s another discussion at another time. Loss of the lateral third of your eyebrows and enlarged tongue. You can stick your tongue out and let it hang in a mirror. If you have mottling across your tongue, that’s a sign of low thyroid. Dry skin, brittle fingernails. People with low thyroid don’t produce enough energy to have a healthy immune system, so they get recurrent and chronic infections. They get on antibiotics.

Women, who are in reproductive ages, will have problems with fertility. It’s a very common problem, infertility in our country, and the most common cause is hypothyroidism. But they’re not going to treat you for that at the infertility clinic. They’re going to spend 25 or 50 thousand dollars on artificial insemination and in vitro and all this sort of thing. I tell women look, if they’re having infertility problems, they come in and we balance their hormones with thyroid hormones and the female hormones. I always tell them “Don’t blame us if you get pregnant.” And commonly, they do. It’s very simple and inexpensive compared to in vitro fertilization. And miscarriages. Another common finding we have with hypothyroidism. So hypothyroidism is a problem that is caused, in large part, by fluoride in the water and in our toothpaste and in other food products and household products in America. We want to eliminate that as much as possible. And if you have the symptoms of low thyroid, I believe you deserve a therapeutic trial of desiccated natural thyroid hormone. That’s what we use here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.

I’ve been on it for 25 years myself. And we’ve used it with tens of thousands of our patients and they have done remarkable. As a matter of fact, the most common thing they tell us, the outcome once we get their hormones balanced, a good eating program, and on vitamins and minerals, they say “Doctor, thank you for giving me back my life.” And if you want that, if you want to get your life back…

Stacey B.: All you have to do is give us a call at 281-698-8698. That’s 281-698-8698. Dr. Hotze, such great information. I’m sure a lot of people didn’t realize that maybe the cause of their obesity, cause of infertility, could be the fluoride in the water. You’re certainly not going to hear that from any other doctor. And just remember, everybody needs a health coach. Contact us and give us a call if you want to do a 180 and take charge of your health at 281-698-8698. That’s 281-698-8698. Thank you for joining us today, here at Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution.

Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


2 responses to “Why You Should Avoid Fluoride”

  1. Connie Weiss says:

    We have been considering a filter system for the whole house. What brand and company did you purchase your home filter system?

  2. Sarah says:

    What type of reverse osmosis water filter system do you recommend?

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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



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